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Small kitchens – 5 tricks that make you look bigger

Small kitchens – 5 tricks that make you look bigger

The house or apartment is already bought or rented. And suddenly you realize that the kitchen is too small. Now, size is not the only criterion. Although the desire of every professional and amateur cook is a large, fully-equipped kitchen, sometimes life is unfair. Then flexibility and organizational skills are needed.

Small kitchen very big: 5 tips for small kitchens

Sometimes less is more anyway. Who needs these great kitchen appliances that can do it all? And cotton candy machines that bring the fair to your home at any time? Or eight cooking plates for the Christmas dinner with the whole family? You maybe? No, we do not need something like that. Definitely not.

5 tips at a glance

1. Organization
2. Color design
3. light
4. mirror
5. Details

1. Organization

There are wonderful kitchen systems that will help you plan the kitchen. Cabinets with several drawers, which are divided differently inside and thus allow more storage space. Corners in the kitchen can be used well with a corner cabinet to stow pots and large containers. Also on the cabinets there is room for large stainless steel appliances or wine and liquor bottles – this is not only practical, but also visually very attractive.

2. Color design

So that the kitchen does not seem too cluttered, but still gets one or the other accent, you have the opportunity to paint a wall in a bright, bright color. Or to structure them with a structure: wall-mounted wallpapers with natural stone look or wood look set such accents. It is important that you keep the kitchen bright and do not allow dark colors in the kitchen. Because bright makes big and dark makes small – by the way also applies to make-up (only incidentally).

3. Light

A kitchen with a large window always looks great. In a small kitchen, the window should be free of decorations and heavy curtains to provide more light. If there is no window, you should play with the light in the kitchen. For example, indirect light under and above the cabinets (in addition to ceiling lights) is a very good solution.
Tip: The frame of the windows can be painted in lemon yellow or orange to simulate a warm light – even in winter.

4. Mirror

Mirrors make every room bigger. A large mirror strategically placed on the wall makes the kitchen brighter and more spacious. Mirrors without elaborate and thick frames are best suited as they look like an almost invisible extension of the kitchen.

5. Details

You want your kitchen to look bigger? Then you should do without details such as carpets on the floor – because they make the room fluffy but smaller. In addition, you should still make sure that everything is well stowed and no devices are around, as a minimalist look simulates a clean and spacious room. You should also refrain from too many patterns. The best are two different colors, coordinated. Large paintings, pictures and towels should disappear from view. What can be very inviting are hanging on the wall pans. On a simple hook or on a stainless steel strip. A small flower or herb pot on the countertop can also beautify the room.

So, and when the kitchen is still spick-and-span cleaned and tidy, the optical illusion has succeeded. On this occasion, one quickly forgets the cotton candy machine, the eight hobs and the whole battery of kitchen appliances.