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Ideas for decorating your home with bold colors

Ideas for decorating your home with bold colors

Everyone dreams of owning the perfect house. While it is truly human to strive for something unique, 90% of people come to peace with simple renovations and inglorious improvements. The reason for this is that the uniqueness costs. Sometimes it even costs too much.

What people in the past did not know is that there are cheap ways to change their homes and achieve the level of originality they have all struggled to achieve. Sometimes a strong interior is enough. While conservatory families may not actually be on board, the creative among you can definitely benefit from adding bold colors to the interior of your home.

Bold colors make bold statements, which is why they must be used with care and caution. You shouldn’t add vibrant color or color saturation to your accent elements on all walls.

Ideas for decorating your home with bold colors5 ideas for decorating your home with bold colorsImage source: Cardea Building Co.

Modern guidelines for decorating with bold colors suggest you get your message across through the least expected elements (textiles, curtains, furniture, etc.). You need to make sure that your choices are similar to who you are. Here’s how you could do it:

Paint chips as a decision maker

Ideas for decorating your home with bold colors4 ideas for decorating your home with bold colorsImage source: Andrea Schumacher Interiors

Believe it or not, colored paper chips can change or destroy your bold design. At times they can be a perfect starting point to rely on, but they can also be very deceptive and you are your walls towards total chaos.

To avoid courageous disasters, collect samples and see if they match. You can even try large wall patterns to get an exact sense of what the room would look like. When you test your ideas, your potential flaws become apparent, especially if you have unexpectedly aggressive color solutions planned. Not everything looks as cool as it sounds. This is why you need to review every idea before you implement it.

Courageous decoration

Ideas for decorating your home with bold colors1 Ideas for decorating your home with bold colorsImage source: Peterssen / Keller architecture

You don’t have to paint the entire room with a single bold color: in fact, the painting can be much more subtle and adventurously decorated with colorful accessories. Sometimes a rug, armchair or chandelier is enough to make a strong statement. In addition, introducing a “bold flow” of small items reduces the risk of costly misjudgments.

Less is absolutely more

Ideas for decorating your home with bold colors 3 ideas for decorating your home with bold colorsImage source: John David Edison Interior Design Inc.

You may have a lot of favorite colors, but that doesn’t mean you should spread every one of them around your home. Don’t make it too playful unless you want it to “attack” the residents’ senses.

Avoid using only dark pallets, especially in small spaces. What you don’t want to do is create a dungeon, assuming your room already has a serious lack of sunlight. When the accent elements are dark, few bright accessories can really do a fresh job. Remember, bold colors make a statement, but light palettes help visitors notice that statement.

Ideas for decorating your home with bold colors2 ideas for decorating your home with bold colorsImage source: KuDa Photography

For example, if you want your walls to make the statement, go no further. You don’t have to add the same color to your curtains, artwork or furniture. As beautiful as the color is, it will eventually make you sick and tired.

If you definitely make up your mind to get a message across and use the same tone for walls and accent furniture, make sure it’s a neutral shade (blue, olive green, dark charcoal) and will give it a chance instead smaller elements are displayed.

Accentuate with strong colors

Ideas for decorating your home with bold colors6 ideas for decorating your home with bold colorsImage source: Chris Barrett Design

The tasteful use of bold colors usually refers to the right accentuation. For example, spaces that enjoy a lot of sunlight could benefit from dark and dramatic solutions that are strong but not too aggressive. The lack of natural light, on the other hand, is sensitive to such shocking experiments and should inspire you to use light hues or saturated hues for a warm and welcoming feeling.

Not all whites are created equal

Ideas for decorating your home with bold colors 7 ideas for decorating your home with bold colorsImage source: Last detail interior design

White is essential for boldly decorated rooms: they contrast your central elements. and make them look sharp and attractive. While this is a fact that you are probably familiar with, you may not know that whites have different undertones, which means they can have different effects. Not all white is right for your color scheme. So take some time and pair them carefully.

Fat / steamed

Ideas for decorating your home with bold colors 8 ideas for decorating your home with bold colorsImage source: Francis Dzikowski Photography Inc.

The creative among you should use their talent and make adventurous, boldly subdued combinations. Well-founded couples can upset the same room over and over and make residents really proud of it.

For example, your favorite light green couch would look perfect among a few tame items that have light green details but a muted style. Another great combination is traditional with modern or bold with classic lines to ensure stunning synergy.

Matching and Mismatching

Ideas for decorating your home with bold colors 9 ideas for decorating your home with bold colorsImage source: Caitlin Wilson Design

Areas that are overwhelmed by bold colors and nuances are a clear sign of an overly outfit. For example, a bold accent piece doesn’t need to have a matching wall in the same room, as the wall could easily overshadow it and make the room look overdone.

For example, your favorite red chair won’t become more visible when you complement it with red accessories, but with a bold, contrasting tone that highlights its meaning. Bright red chairs look perfect when surrounded by deep green elements. This is exactly the example to keep in mind when decorating your space.

A bold range

Ideas for decorating your home with bold colors 12 ideas for decorating your home with bold colorsImage source: Lauren Ostrow Interior Design, Inc.

You can carry out “shocking” color experiments in your home. Such usually take on more than one color, combined in a way that doesn’t lead to an epic design flaw.

You should be aware of your options when decorating a house with bold tones: familiarize yourself with the usual barriers and do not let your combinations outdo you. Failure to follow this rule can result in a cheesy interior that you won’t really be proud of.

make it personal

Ideas for decorating your home with bold colors11 ideas for decorating your home with bold colorsImage source: Matthew Bolt Graphic Design

It’s your place and you are the one who decides what message to convey. Choose unique accessories that resemble your interests and make bold and recognizable combinations. If you’re a fan of bold lighting fixtures, find a way to implement them so that the space becomes more playful. If the idea sounds too overwhelming, remove bold colors from the walls or open heavy window treatments to let in natural light.

Dark colors are not suitable for bright rooms

Ideas for decorating your home with bold colors10 ideas for decorating your home with bold colorsImage source: Home & Homes Palm Springs Home Staging

Remember that darker walls make the room look smaller. While these schemes are really helpful in large, open spaces; They could overwhelm smaller areas and make the people who spend time there feel claustrophobic. It’s exactly why people choose bland palettes or apply dark tones to decorations with a limited accent. Typically, the darker the color you use on your walls, the smaller the room will feel.