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Pros and cons of using carpet tiles

Pros and cons of using carpet tiles

In recent days carpet tiles business is on a boom and are considered stylish and practical. During the present era carpet tiles are sold like hot cakes as they provide the floor coverings in new and novel way. Carpet tiles have different thickness, pattern, material and density. So it is up to your choice either you want to make your home environment friendly by applying green color bamboo carpet tiles or give an earthy appearance to your floor by selecting terracotta tiles. Similarly children’s room can be arranged with the tiles made up of rubber foam or fabric

One of the biggest advantages of carpet tiling was that you don’t need to have a specialist to fix it rather anyone can fix it. On the other hand one piece carpet required a genuinely skillful person. Due to their versatile sizes they were easily laid and arranged even in a complex room designs. Their transportation and shifting from one site to other is also very easy. The carpet tiles were comparatively cheaper than one piece carpet so were very famous in all sects of society. Your creativity can also be reflected by designing different styles together in one room having carpet tiles. As the space of innovation is always open for designers who may design the border differently as compared to the central parts of the tiles. Their age is even more than a single piece carpet and it is observed even in the houses with lot of gathering and guests arrivals. It can be said that carpet tiles will never go out of fashion.

Their greatest disadvantage is that they never act as a single piece carpet. Another issue is that with the aging these carpet tiles show wear and tear from edges and the appearance is very poor. They may also affect the quality of air inside the room as they are always fixed with some toxic chemicals which have an unhealthy impact on health of the people using carpet tiles. Moreover if you want to remove the carpet tiles you need to remove the chemicals from the floor first. They also lack in providing the warmth which a carpet provides.