Home / Decoration / It’s not just about the cabinets – things to consider when you’re renovating your kitchen

It’s not just about the cabinets – things to consider when you’re renovating your kitchen

It’s not just about the cabinets – things to consider when you’re renovating your kitchen

Renovating your kitchen is not a frivolous undertaking, and careful planning is essential to its success. When remodeling your kitchen, there are many things to consider before moving on with your remodeling plan.

You might focus on choosing new cabinets for the heart of your home, but there’s so much more to every kitchen remodel. Here, let’s take a look at some of the essentials to consider before you get started.

Cost is important

Ottawa-kitchen renovations- It's not just about the cabinets - things to consider when renovating your kitchen

Yes, you might want to focus on the fun parts of your makeover, but it’s important to consider costs first before you start shopping for cabinets. You will need a functional and stylish new kitchen, but not at a huge cost. You don’t want to spend more on your kitchen than you can make up for selling your home. Be realistic and explore your funding options and where you can save money. You can even choose to do some of the work yourself to save costs.

What about the extension?

Space in your kitchen could be tight. Do you need to add an extension? It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of adding space and decide whether you can purchase additional space by carefully planning your existing space to maximize the floor space. You need to consider your goals for your remodeling. Do you really need more space or do you just need the space to be more functional and lighter? You may be able to extend into another room in your home instead of extending outward.

What about the layout?

Neustaedter-Renovierung-Overall-Since it's not just about the cabinets - things that you should consider when renovating your kitchen

You can potentially make significant savings on your remodeling by keeping your kitchen’s existing layout. However, this may not suit your needs. Leaving heating, electrical, gas, and plumbing systems in the same room can help cut your costs whenever possible.

Device style and size

There are many different types, styles, and sizes of kitchen appliances. However, you need to be careful when choosing. One example is a huge kitchen area. You may need an extra fixture under your floor to support the weight. You may also need to consider other expenses that add to the cost of your kitchen.

For example, if you change your range hood, you may need to upgrade your ventilation duct, while you may need extra plumbing or cables for a new refrigerator or dishwasher. You may also need a custom shelf or cabinet for your microwave oven, unless you would like to have it on your countertop.

Think about the equipment you will need on your countertop too. When space is tight, all you need is the bare minimum that you use all the time. For example, you probably want a conveniently located coffee maker to help you Get the right taste first thing in the morning, but you can probably go without a steamer on your countertop the whole time!

Brighten the room

Lighting can make a huge difference to how inviting your kitchen is. Choosing the right lighting is therefore crucial when planning your kitchen renovation. If you have an old kitchen, you might just have a single ceiling light and small window. What can you do about it? You could replace your old doors and windows with more attractive and larger new ones that let more light into the room.

You can also use layered lighting with lights under cabinets and in recesses. You can also opt for a statement lighting pendant like a chandelier to add character and style to your space. If you have glass fronted cabinets, you can bring more mood lighting into your room by dropping some mini spotlights through the top to illuminate your glass display.

Dimmer switches are a useful way to control your lights at different times of the day, and you should definitely consider placing light switches in various convenient locations so you don’t stumble around the room in the dark trying to turn the lights on!