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How to Create a Captivating Tiny Garden Pond

How to Create a Captivating Tiny Garden Pond

1. Choose a location. Your pond wants light, but not full sunlight all day. You can dig a hole and lower your container, or just have it on top.

2. If the container is not waterproof, e.g. an old pot, then add a piece of dust feed.
3. Add a layer of gravel and stones. Use logs or rocks to create a range of depth and a slope for creatures to climb in and out. If your container is not submerged, you will need a ramp from the ground outside the pond.

4. Fill your pond. Use rainwater as tap water contains chemicals.

5. Start planting! You only need one or two plants. Good plants for small ponds include:
-Miniature water lily (Nymphaea “Pygmaea Helvola”)
– Lesser Ranunculus (Ranunculus flammula)
– Starwort (Callitriche stagnalis)
– Flowering rush (Butomus umbellatus)

Click here for more plant ideas

6. Now watch and wait! Wildlife will come to your pond by itself. Do not introduce frogs, fish or even water from another pond as this can spread disease.

Mini pond activity sheet