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Remote moving and how to prepare your home for it

Remote moving and how to prepare your home for it

Moving from one place to another can be daunting. All you can do is prepare as much as you can to make sure everything you need is there. Everything starts with the hunt. Finding a new place to call home is much easier today than it was decades ago.

What makes finding a new place difficult is the amount of information you get, especially if you do a search on your own.

Go to a trusted real estate agent and provide as much information as you can about criteria such as location, size and budget. A great real estate agent guarantees you will find the best website possible, not to mention the most suitable place for you.

Congratulations after choosing your new home and doing the paperwork! You can now move into your new home.

Here are some reminders to take the hassle out of moving long distances.

Moving company

Moving your things from one place to another takes a lot of physical work. The amount of work involved in moving to a new location increases with distance. Opt for a professional moving company like North American Van Linesis a good idea to consider. Here are points to look for in deciding which moving company to choose:

  • Professional credibility – years of experience and lots of positive customer reviews contribute to a moving company’s performance. A removal company that has many damning reviews should be removed from your list immediately.
  • Interstate Presence – Long-distance moves, such as moving from one state to another, require credentials and registrations that allow a moving company to move items across state lines. This also adds to the credibility and reliability of a moving company, as compliance with international transport regulations is often synonymous with reliability and trustworthiness.
  • Safety coverage – nobody ever wants to have an accident, but accidents do happen. A moving company with customer-centric insurance coverage is a company worth considering. Always check with the moving companies you have on your list for insurance coverage.
  • Price – budget is always a factor. Opt for moving companies who personally offer free estimates. That way you will have an idea of ​​how much it would cost to move your things. Large moving companies are open to discussing costs and helping you get a fair price.


mov Long Distance Moving and how to prepare your home for it

Your personal belongings, from furniture to vehicles, add up to decisions that you need to think about. An easy decision is to bring everything. However, keep some of these points in mind:

  • Cost – The cost of moving items depends on the amount and weight of things to be moved. Item weight is often a major factor and cost can be reduced if you can fit many of your smaller items into your vehicle and leave the larger ones to the removal company.
  • Space – Your new place may not be as big as your current one. If you have a lot of large furniture it will consume a lot of the space. Consider selling your large furniture and choose space-saving furniture for your new space. If living space is not an issue, cross this off your list.
  • Value – Items that are useful in your new location should be prioritized. Next are items that have sentimental value. Non-working items that you don’t want to repair or revive should be at the bottom of the list. You can further shorten your list by selling or donating items that you think you no longer need.

Timed coordination

Even with the help of professional moving companies, you would still have to make significant efforts to fully move into your new location. Planning your move should be easy, right? Before you make a decision about your official move date, there are a few more points to consider:

  • Season – whether you are moving into a snowy state or out of a snowy state, stay away from movement in winter. Aside from being able to deal with blizzards or ice, moving items with multiple layers of clothing on them will make you tired quickly. You can be exhausted after driving through snow or icy roads, but even if you don’t, instant unpacking in the dead of winter will take a toll on you. Consider moving in spring or fall. If you have kids, consider moving after school is out.
  • Travel Times – Estimate the moving company’s travel time, as well as your travel time, so that you can reach your new location while the sun is still shining. It would be easier to consider all of your belongings during the day than at night. When you get to your new home at night, you are likely to be tired and longing for a nice, comfortable bed – not in the mood to move and unpack your belongings.

With this list, you should be prepared for a virtually trouble-free move. Let your family and friends know when and where you will be moving. It is always wise to let a few people know where you are going and when you are moving so there is someone who can look after you or even help you settle in. Make a safe trip and enjoy your new home!