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Modern family house with modern furnishings

Modern family house with modern furnishings

Are you looking for inspiration for the design and appearance of a modern single-family home? If so, this contemporary Portland, Oregon home might just be the place to study and admire. With a natural, wooded exterior, this home draws the eye of the beholder, and the beautiful interior holds the attention.

The many windows in this house offer both natural light and a wonderful view of the green landscape around the place. The living spaces in the house are spacious and well equipped.

Designed by Nathan Good ArchitectsThis modern single family home has all of the modern facilities and amenities you would expect from such a location. The bathroom is large and luxurious and the bedroom has a door that leads into the garden.

This Oregon family home is the perfect inspiration for those looking to create a modern and unique home.

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Modern single-family home with contemporary furnishings 5 ​​Modern single-family home with modern furnishings

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Modern family home with contemporary furnishings 9 Modern family home with modern furnishings