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Landing at your feet – how to choose additions when building a house

Landing at your feet – how to choose additions when building a house

Are you building a brand new home? Whether you are an old hand or first time building, there is always something out there to learn something new. It’s an exciting time as well as you look forward to the first day at the palace that you spent all of the time, effort, and money building it.

Nothing is better than when you first step in and everything is shiny, glittery and brand new. It can get a little tricky along the way, however, especially when it comes to choosing the supplements for your home. Fortunately, we’re here to make the process a little less stressful. Let’s unpack this a little further.

Ask the experts

Luxury Home Builders Land At Your Feet - How To Choose Additions When Building A Home

One thing that people often forget is theirs Luxury home builder know a lot about their trade. While doing your research online and asking friends and family is well and good, it is worth spending a little time talking to your contractor and see what they suggest. You may know that certain brands perform better than others or which furnishings will best suit your design. If you ask the experts, you might be pleasantly surprised at what they can come up with.

Determine your budget

Obviously you would have budgeted your build, but have you thought deeper about it? The reason we suggest this is because you are often faced with a choice between different options. For example, you can buy a mixer tap for $ 50 or $ 500. You need to have a good grasp of your budget for extras and additions. You might want all the bells and whistles, but you can actually only afford a few basic features. So balance these books out and find out what you can afford.

Furry friends?

Pet lands at your feet - how to choose additions when building a house

Do you have any pets that you will bring with you to your new block? If so, you want to make sure your home is friendly to them. Consider adding a dog or cat door so your animal companion can come and go as they please. Who likes to get up to open the door at dawn?

Instant and everlasting hot water

This is a feature you wouldn’t want to live without. If you live in a family of more than two people, the last thing you want is to run out of hot water. So invest in one immediate and perpetual water heater so you can enjoy those 20 minute showers without worrying about having enough left for the next person.

Double sink

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Double sinks are a must nowadays. While you likely have a dishwasher too, there are a few things that you still need to hand wash. The additional sink is suitable for washing up or soaking pots and pans.


You can never have enough memory. You’re going to want a proper linen closet, broom closet, large kitchen cabinets, and a decent linen closet. Find out how much material to save first, then plan accordingly.


Skylights or sun tunnels are a good idea. First of all, natural light gives every object a beautiful ambience. Second, you will save a lot of money on lighting, especially in the summer months. They also keep your warmth nice and warm and also save you money on heating.

Wrap up

Ask your builders first and find out how much you can spend. Consider a pet door for your pet friends, and instant hot water won’t get lost either. You want to have a double sink in your kitchen and you also need a lot of storage space. Finally, insert a few skylights. Enjoy your brand new home.