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Designer desk lamps

Designer desk lamps

The study is not only an aesthetic issue but also functional. According to psych educators, children succeed in focusing more on their school responsibilities when there is a dedicated environment for this purpose at home; that is, when there is a place and the time set for performing their school duties.


The main challenge is to find the place to create the right environment. If space allows, the bedroom is presented as a very good alternative. If this is not possible, another sector of the home can be chosen.

To create it, specialists recommend, have the flexibility to organize it, look for the perfect spaces, avoid the areas where there are elements that contribute to the distraction (games room or TV), place the area preferably under the window.

If the boys share the study area, a long table and two chairs can be added on each side or two desks placed on opposite walls.


The study table should be as large and spacious as possible to find the desk lamp, a computer, a book and a notebook.

The desk should, in addition to being nice, be comfortable, durable and functional. Today, it is possible to find them with a modern style that can be easily adapted to the design style of the environment.

A desk with a solid structure guarantees a long life that will follow the child’s development until his or her youth.

As we said, on the desk, there must be a specific area where the table lamp is placed, so that the light is focused on the study area. The ideal light source is white and if possible LED.
