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Keep your home fashionable and trendy

Keep your home fashionable and trendy

Every time we see a new fashion trend we do the impossible to follow, and the most stubborn of us can see how difficult this practice is.

More than difficult, we’d call it daunting as we usually have to update a few times a week and shop regularly to get our hands on all of these fancy and expensive items.

The situation can be even worse when trying to keep your home fashionable as new pieces pop up every day and older ones have to be removed so as not to reveal how “outdated” our home actually is.

Unfortunately, in terms of interior decor, dated stands a season old which just goes to show how insane expensive it can be to keep our home updated.

But what would you say if we told you there is a way to keep your home trending without spending insane amounts too? Instead, you can be patient and follow our tips that will inspire you to use your creativity and get your space together for a fraction of the usual price.

get inspired

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Before attempting to determine the limit of your spending on newcomers and updates, make sure to consider which items you would really like to see at home.

Get inspiration by reviewing colors, materials, fabrics, textures, and similar ideas and determining the direction you want to move. Knowing what you want means you can always choose the best, cheapest option.

Make the pallet your priority

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The first step in redesigning your home is to consider the color that you plan to use. This includes the wall color, the accents and the furniture, for which you have to choose a sensible and suitable scheme from all the available colors.

To stay on the safe side, opt for popular choices that have been around for a while and that don’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.

If a color has been trending for a long time, using it means you won’t have to spend time repainting in the near future.

At the same time, check that this color actually fits into your current design, or at least matches other reasonable nuances that you want to add to your mix.

Bring in natural light

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Of course, each trend brings with it a new range of lighting ideas, ranging from tiny wall sconces to shiny and over-the-top chandeliers, but as you know firsthand, these probably won’t last that long.

What can seriously outperform time is natural light, the ultimately stylish solution that gives depth and positive energy to any home.

So make some space to pass and let it in wherever possible. It will emphasize your stylish decorations and make your entire space look better and much fresher.

Home design evergreens

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Just like with the wardrobe, where you have few staples that you wear for years and that go with any outfit, home design has its own timeless elements that can be used for any beginning.

Mostly these are neutral, practical and durable elements made from natural materials such as comfortable sofas, carved bed frames, wooden dining sets, etc.

You can neglect their immense value and keep looking for trendy pieces, but you should also be willing to take the risk that these pieces will eventually look out of date.

On the other hand, timeless pieces only become more valuable over time and go well with any solution you imagine.

The good side of using contemporary furniture

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Contemporary isn’t for everyone, but it’s a good place to start if you don’t really know what to focus on.

Contemporary stands for smooth, sharp lines, minimal texture and color experiments and is therefore suitable for every trend.

With a modern table, for example, you don’t have to look for a new one every time a nice trend pops up and you want to follow it. This is probably the best advice we can give you to save money and stay fashionable regardless.

Research, compare and use discounts and coupons

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Who wouldn’t want to be able to afford the first amazing piece that comes their way, but the gap between eye shopping and budget constraints is still far too big to do.

The good side is that we are all internet users and can look for the same piece offered by other vendors, compare prices, check promotional offers, and only then can we make the final purchase.

Coupons and discounts are also great ways to save money.

Mixing and Matching

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As beautiful as new trends may be, they are likely to never last, and all because their creators are in constant competition to build something better.

The good thing is that you still decide which trends are popular or not by simply caring about them.

So why not experiment with multiple trends at the same time? Instead of blindly following a particular trend, choose the less specs that you like best and combine them.

You will be surprised how pleasant the results can be!

Focus on comfort

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The way your furniture looks is definitely an important criterion. What matters, however, is the quality and the feeling you get when using it.

This is especially true of sofas and chairs where it is absolutely essential not to invest in fancy details that don’t really make you dive into.

At the same time, high quality furniture is more likely to last a long time and withstand the damage that its inferior counterparts can cause.

Consider second hand shopping

It’s true – no one would shop second hand if they didn’t have to because people usually prefer new and unused items. However, creative people like to visit a thrift store or flea market here and there because it inspires them to bring pieces together and connect old and new ideas.

You’ve seen it for yourself – lots of old trends are popping up again so you never know when you might be using your grandmother’s kids lamp.

Reconsider the accents

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Accents can transform or transform our home decor, even if we often neglect them as the easiest and least difficult change in renovations.

However, there are few rules of accent that should never be overlooked: the first is that there should never be too many of them in a single room (especially if they are large, like paintings, vases, or sculptures), and the second, we should buy as few trendy accents as possible, as these will be the first to go out of style and will be replaced in due course.

Leaving old accents in new interiors can make the place look artificial and cluttered. So handle them carefully.

The well-kept secret is simplicity

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Simplicity can solve any problem, so apply it when you are undecided. Instead of falling for tantalizing bold patterns and colorful accents, think about the next season and how dated all those cool pieces would look.

We bet you already have an idea of ​​a few other items that could look a lot trendier instead! So be simple and opt for neutral furniture that can respond to any style and outlast any trend.

Neutral pieces create bold statements and contribute most to the pleasant atmosphere in your home.

Play the stuff game

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It’s pretty easy to update a room by simply changing the fabrics, mostly because they are affordable and easy to replace.

You can even design your own new pieces if you are creative and needlework. Start with window treatments and slowly move towards slipcovers and upholstery, or just replace some pillows and carpets. The magic is done: you have a brand new room for a fraction of the expected cost.

However, if you want to be trendy rather than timeless, check out what textures and colors are there and replace your fabrics with these.

do not hurry

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Why upgrade all of your space at once when you know your tight schedule and inflexible budget won’t let you do it this year?

Go slowly, and above all, think about functionality – what are the most important items to replace? Start with them and replace others as soon as you feel financially ready.

As you saw in our article, modernizing your home doesn’t have to be a million dollar business: it just requires a little creativity.

Look at our suggestions and try some of them. You will soon be convinced that it doesn’t take too much to make your home look trendy!