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How to choose the right carpet for a room

How to choose the right carpet for a room

Whether you want to generate heat, set a focal point, or just liven up floors, buying a rug is a great and permanent way to personalize your home.

A good quality rug will last for years and is a worthwhile investment. In addition to providing heat to a cold floor, a rug can also bring the theme of a room together and really complete the look.

Through clever use, living areas can be clearly defined and color schemes can be linked to one another. It is defiantly advised to invest a little time before buying a rug to think about the use of color, fabric type and principles of proportion. The aim of this article is to provide you with the knowledge you need to make the right choice.

Before going to the stores, there are a few things to consider, think about the practicalities and the overall look you want to achieve in the room. There is no point in investing money in a product that is not suitable for its intended use. So, first of all, consider the room itself, the size and shape, the lighting, what it is used for and who is using it. For example, it is inconvenient to buy a rug that is difficult to vacuum to fit in a room where the dog will sleep on it. Decide which look you want to achieve, do some research in the market or take inspiration from other similar projects to get a clear picture of which rug is right for you.

Find the right size

Finding the Right Size How to choose the right rug for a room

Choosing the right size for your carpet in relation to your room is very important. A carpet that is too big can overwhelm a room. If it’s too small, it can seem out of place and possibly mistaken for a discarded towel!

When considering the size you will need, it is a good idea to measure the space first and consider the impact of the carpet. Also measure any furniture under or next to which the carpet will lie. Set a minimum and maximum height and width taking these dimensions into account. A carpet to be placed in front of a fire always looks weird if it is noticeably smaller than the fireplace itself. Likewise, a carpet that is forced into a tight space will fold and look lumpy and ruin the overall finish of a room.

Another consideration to consider when choosing the size you need is the color of the rug and whether or not it is patterned. A bold color or busy pattern may look fine when viewed on a smaller rug, but bright and overwhelming when enlarged. A large area of ​​bold color can also pick up natural light from a room, making it look dingy and dark.

Adding a rug to the living room floor

Adding a Carpet on the Living Room Floor How to choose the right carpet for a room

While most people choose to have a rug in their living room or lounge, there are many different options for that space. Some use a rug to create a defined cozy social space in an open space, others use it to create an open area in front of their sofa or other furniture. The size and pattern chosen largely depends on the tone of the room.

Most contemporary designs aim for a minimalist look with simple patterns and few ornaments. If this is your goal, a smaller rug under a coffee table or next to the fire is a popular choice. Since many are aiming for a cut-free environment, an attractive rug can become the main focal point of the room.

For a more elegant look, choose a rug that will fill almost the entire floor area. Make sure there is enough space around the edge to place cabinets and other wall units directly on the floor itself. Also, make sure that there is enough flooring underneath it is showing off proportions to create an edge around the rug. It is then possible to place all the sofas and side tables with all four legs on the carpet to ensure that they are not too close to the edge of the carpet.

Adding a Carpet on Your Living Room Floor2 How to choose the right carpet for a room

Choosing a rug for the living room, regardless of the overall look, is hoping to get some good points to remember.

Carpets look a lot better when they are in relation to the furniture. A carpet that is to lie in front of a piece of furniture should be significantly longer than the object.

Make sure the pattern and color complement the rest of the space. Too many patterns can be way too many. Only buy a patterned rug if you have a simple sofa and curtains, or if you already have patterns in the room, get a simple rug or a matching pattern. Unless you have anything else in the room that is the same color, consider buying matching pillows or other items to create a theme.

If you are placing furniture halfway on a rug and halfway on the floor, it is a good idea to use coasters to keep them from leaning

Choosing a rug for the bedroom

Bedroom carpet1 How to choose the right carpet for a room

Many people love to get out of bed and feel a nice soft carpet under their feet. A carpet for the bedroom provides comfort and warmth and gives the room a finished look. In a large room, placing a large rug with the bed and bedside tables can look really nice and create a neatly defined sleeping area. Alternatively, you can put some attractive smaller runner-style rugs on either side of the bed to add class and color to a smaller space.

Bedroom Carpet2 How to choose the right carpet for a room

As in the living room, it is a good idea to consider what other patterns and colors will be used in the room. Plain sheets and curtains are a good idea when choosing a more decorative design.

The importance of a carpet in an open space

The Importance of a Carpet in an Open Floor How to Choose the Right Carpet for a Room

Open spaces sometimes have no definition of the use in each area and appear cold and empty. A large floor space can give furniture the appearance of a “floating” floor, as if it had just been placed in the room. By cleverly placing carpets and furniture, the appearance of an open space can be transformed into a well-thought-out living space with assigned usage areas.

When placing multiple rugs in a room, make sure they complement each other. They don’t necessarily have to have matching patterns, but it helps if they are the same color scheme.

How to use carpets colors and patterns

The color and pattern on a rug have a huge impact on a room. They can help bring together color schemes, bring patterns into a simple room, and help a small dark room feel cozy. The depth and texture can also change the appearance of the carpet in a room. Choosing the right color can make a rug the perfect finish to a newly furnished room. When deciding which color or pattern to choose for a carpet, several aspects should be considered.

A large, brightly colored rug will make a room appear brighter and larger, although it is more prone to staining. A darker rug will help hide stains and stains and give a room a cozy, warm feel.

How to Use the Colors and Patterns of a Carpet How to Choose the Right Carpet for a Room

Oriental and Persian rugs add a distinctive and traditional flair to a room and are best suited for antique furniture and traditional decorations. A more modern theme is more suitable for a bold geometric design with blocks of color and straight lines. You should check out the different types of carpets before making a decision.

A plain room can benefit from a brightly patterned rug to add personality. If the furniture in a room already has patterns, a simple rug in one main color can really help bring the whole room together.

When choosing a color, it is recommended to use at least one of the colors already present in the room to ensure that it is not lost in the room.

Using the Colors and Patterns of a Carpet2 Choosing the right carpet for a room

Looking at the best choice of fabric for a carpet

A-Carpet-fabrics-should-also-be-considered1 How to choose the right carpet for a room

The fabric used for a carpet plays a central role in the overall appearance and quality. A variety of natural and synthetic options are available in many different styles.

When choosing a fabric, it is important to consider where the rug will be placed. If there is likely to be heavy wear and tear, see how easy it is to keep it clean as soon as you likely need to replace it. This is cheaper option may make more sense if you know it will likely be ruined.

A-Carpet-fabrics-should-also-be-considered2 How to choose the right carpet for a room

Using a more fluffy or furry fabric will add a calming and luxurious feel to any room, although it may be more difficult to clean. In a hallway or high-traffic room, look for a more durable fabric, while the bedroom and living room are more likely to use a softer, less resistant fabric.

Natural fibers or synthetic?

Natural fibers or synthetic1 How to choose the right carpet for a room

Many different materials can be used to make natural fiber carpets, including fur, wool, cotton, jute, sisal, and hemp. They are usually wrapped up and then woven into a rug. Carpets made from natural fibers are usually of high quality and durable.

Natural fibers or synthetic2 How to choose the right carpet for a room

Synthetic carpets are usually made from nylon and other man-made fibers, a cheaper alternative to natural fibers. There are many different styles on the market. A good quality synthetic rug can look and feel very similar to real wool or fur, but is better suited for everyday cleaning products. It is possible to have synthetic carpets with a variety of textures, from a more traditional carpet feel to a shaggy faux sheepskin.