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Moving madness

Moving home is one of the most exciting, hectic, and fearful moves we go through in life.

From moving into your first rental property to finally immersing yourself and investing in your own property, this is always such a big step in life.

In fact, in the UK, an average person will move home at least eight times in their lifetime.

This is 8 times searching, 8 times packing and 8 times getting used to.

So what is it, what goes into a move, what decisions and factors influence the decision to make such a drastic change.

Frankly, this is a difficult question to answer because what motivates people to start over is unique to that one person.

However, what are the factors that come into play when choosing your brand new nest?

1. Place

Air houses Moving Madness

Location is one of the key factors in deciding whether to move to a new area. This is because it affects all of the elements of your daily life that include your travel to work and access to local amenities and shops.

The general environment your potential home will be in can also affect your decision to buy a home. If this is the place you wake up every morning, it is important that you be in a place that you really want to be.

2. Decor

Coastal-Beach-House-Decor-Interior Moving Madness

This second factor is more important to tenants than to buyers. Nonetheless, the decor is one of the key elements of your environment if you are planning to go sightseeing. The first impression you get upon entering can make or break every possible movement.

Entering a property with old, mild carpets and cracks in the wall doesn’t stand a great chance against a house with fashionable wallpaper and gray laminate floor in the living room.

This also applies to buyers. Although for the most part a buyer has any intention of renovating the house once they move in; Seeing the house in a pleasant and well presented way shows its design potential.

3. Functionality

Modular Home Designs Moving Madness

This is arguably the most critical factor when deciding on a new home. We all have different circumstances and therefore different demands on what we expect from our homes.

For example, a small back-to-back lot wouldn’t be very good for a growing family because the space would be incredibly tight. On the other hand, there is no point in renting to pay extra space that you will never use.

From a buying perspective, too, you need to consider short and long term changes as the engagement is higher compared to renting. When you move in, you may feel like there is a lot of space and space. However, what if you want to have a family or need more space for hobbies and personal projects.

Another element of functionality is easy maintenance of the house. Cracks in the wall and worn floors may not leave the best impression.