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bathroom with antique bathroom vanity

bathroom with antique bathroom vanity

The word antique always conveys an image of old and stylish items which can today be termed as classic. Most of these antiques can be either heirlooms or hand me downs which you will find in some individual’s homes. You may have chanced upon one and loved it, and is now thinking of how to decorate your home using one such piece. Antique bathroom vanities are an ideal starting point as the pieces are rather small and easy to incorporate into your already existing bathroom décor.

You might worry that having an antique piece will mean re-decorating your bathroom to fit the antique décor theme, but this is not so. Antique bathroom vanities can suit modern themed bathrooms, as well as contemporary bathrooms. You will find that many antique pieces, not just bathroom vanities, have been successfully incorporated into most homes with current décor themes where they add a finished look to all these themes.

The design of the antique piece will matter should you think of buying one, in case you weren’t lucky enough to inherit one. This will influence which areas will best suit the antique piece. With antique bathroom vanities, it is important that the design of the vanity be in balance with the rest of the accessories in the bathroom.

Most antiques are wooden pieces, which come in the color of wood (brown). Check your bathroom colors and see if the antique bathroom vanity will be in harmony with the colors present. It is always a good idea to leave the antique in its original color, but bought pieces can definitely not lack even one color that is present in your bathroom décor theme.

Your bathroom may be modern or contemporary themed. Having a piece of antique bathroom vanity is enough of an addition to those old and loved eras. Overdoing things by getting other antique accessories will only make the bathroom look ancient. Thus, stick to a minimalist theme and have only this one piece of antique in your bathroom. Everything else should be in the current era that you are using in your bathroom.

Decorating your bathroom with antique bathroom vanity is all about mixing the old with the new, and this does not just stop in the bathroom. You can apply the same rules in other rooms should you have more than one antique piece in your home.