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Outdoor lights for parties

Outdoor lights for parties

With summer soon on its way, the parties have shifted from indoor to outdoor. Light plays an important role in setting the mood for each party. Having lights in addition to seating arrangements makes guests feel special and parties more fun. But having to buy these lamps can be expensive. We give you some amazing DIY for Lights Outdoor for parties –

All you need for this DIY are paper bags and LED light strings. At the bottom of the paper bag, cut the groove sufficiently to insert your LED lamp from the strings. Add paper bags to each light bulb in the string and cover with colorful tape. You can add ribbons at the other end of the bag to give it a more appealing theme for the party. Choose paper bags in bright colors such as pink, yellow, orange and green to beautify the appearance of the strings.

Take sheet steel of the desired size. You can even get them at low prices for any hardware store. You need a machine for this and some knowledge of how to use it. If you are not sure, ask a friend to help. Make small holes in the jars in different temporary places at random. Add holders or hooks to it and paint them in the colors you want. Add a string of LED lights to them or a lamp of your choice. These beautiful pewter lanterns can be placed anywhere from railings to gates or on a branch of trees.

These are similar to jars but give a very rich and royal atmosphere. Use of colored or simple glass jars can be done. You will need light here because you do not want the cables to be seen through transparent glasses. When these are placed around seats, you can use scented candles to enhance the atmosphere. These are easy to prepare and inexpensive outdoor lamps.

Similar to the use of paper bags, cupcake liners can also be used. Attractive copper is readily available in the market. You will need to give a plus size small incision at the base and rest is similar.