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How to Prepare Your Home for Sale

How to Prepare Your Home for Sale

Listing your home in the market is one of the most heartbreaking decisions you will ever make. However, once you meet them, all you have to do is entrust your sweetheart to someone for a solid sum.

And it doesn’t have to be your house at all. It could be your parents’ house in case something tragic happens. In this particular case, you might need one Real estate sales guide.

Either way, you need to be prepared.

Good deals are not always negotiated deals; they are the result of a carefully prepared house before the sale.

So if you want to get the most of the bargain, prepare your home and make sure it gets more attention than similar homes with similar price ranges.

Check out our top tips for preparing your home for sale:

How do I prepare my home for sale?

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There is no such thing as perfection unless you relate to cleaning

As simple as it sounds, nothing is more important than offering a clean home. You may have the most beautiful home ever, but it will surely turn down offers as it will get the impression to the buyer that you didn’t look after it as you should. If you don’t have the time or the experience, Deep cleansing are always the best solution.

Cleanliness is the first and foremost indicator that you value your property, and it tends to Determine what your home is worth the truth is.

Caution when cleaning does not refer to vacuuming and accidental dusting, but rather to removing dirt as much as possible from any surface (windows, baseboards, walls, ceilings).

In addition, the impression inside and outside must remain the same. So if you have a patio / garden make sure these are spotless too. Nothing should be overlooked, as cleanliness is the first step to good business.

Start packing even before you’ve even listed the house

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You may think packing is easy and it won’t take long to collect your belongings, but the drama begins once you realize how much useless clutter you’ve been keeping at home for years.

In order not to skip deadlines (what if you sell a home just a few days after it is listed?), Pack at least half of your belongings before you even have the home listed.

Clothes and shoes that you won’t be wearing anytime soon are the first to go. The same applies to kitchen appliances and appliances, glassware and accessories.

When a visitor arrives to check out the place, make sure there aren’t any personal items preventing them from buying (photos, hanging clothes, or shelves piled up with cosmetics show that you’re not ready to leave anytime soon).

Pack even larger pieces of furniture that you don’t use every day. The cleaner and clearer the rooms appear, the easier it is for the buyer to estimate what he will really gain by buying your house.

Empty the garage

For most of us, a garage is anything but a closed parking lot, and we pile it up with old boxes, broken machines, tools, and everything that isn’t there. Meanwhile, the car is on the road and is exposed to damage and unpleasant weather conditions.

This is not what the potential owner wants to see: you have to clean the garage and show him that there is enough space for his vehicle.

Make maintenance visible

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Board and parchment

Do you remember all the little renovations that you put off for years? You should pull up your sleeves and deal with it before the buyer arrives. Of course, nobody expects you to do a complete remodel, but rather to show that the home is durable and that you have looked after it properly.

Realty Mgmt Associates says that after signing a sales contract for a home, you will try to arrange a home inspection to assess the condition of the property.

Even if you think there is nothing to be done, get a detailed property inspection from basement to roof. Who knows, you might discover hidden damage that would bring the price down! Most importantly, don’t be fooled that this is what the buyer will not see – this is what they will see!

Finally, remember that maintenance also applies to everyday tasks: get ready to show buyers that you’ve cleaned your roofs and gutters, painted them regularly, confirmed the safety of your attic, and taken care of even the smallest of them Water tap.

Make an exemplary journey home

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If no such tours are organized in your area, you can compile your personal purchase history and check out some places absolutely randomly.

There’s no better way to find out more about home decor! Walking through airy and clean rooms painted in neutral tones and furnished with simple pieces will show you what to do with your own space. Don’t those neatly arranged countertops, set dining tables with adorable glassware or high-quality curtains look fantastic?

Why couldn’t your place look so good? The reason these ideas always succeed is because they are clean, stylish, and modern. and they appeal to everyone who has an eye for sophisticated solutions.

Step out of the masses. Literally.

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Yes, your home fits the neighborhood and the general appeal of the suburb it is in. You used to think this was perfect but as the time to sell the property approaches you think that there really is nothing that makes it better than the other houses. Is it like this? Well it’s time to change something!

You can fertilize the lawn and plant new, seasonal flowers. There are also few details for the sidewalks and terrace, the drive or the small pond.

You might even consider getting into crap projects, such as B. repainting the facade or getting rid of overgrown shrubs and annoying weeds in the garden. One thing is for sure, this is where buyers come first, and you don’t want to make them believe your home isn’t worth checking out.

Decide what are your greatest advantages and focus on them

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Do you have a south facing house with large French doors? Is your garden special in any way? Is there a terrace tub as a retreat for your favorite owner? Turn your attention to the things that make your home special and make them shine!

Clean them, buy new items, briefly decorate them, do whatever is necessary to ensure buyers notice them. Positive attention is guaranteed!

Try to understand your buyers

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One of the wonderful things real estate agents do is help you develop buyer profiles, which is to list target customers who are most likely to buy a home like yours. The profile can help you focus on the most important preps and appreciate a serious buyer as they appear.

If you can’t really create a single profile, try understanding buyers as they’re coming and guess what they need and expect.

Knowing this, it will be much easier for you to combine those needs with the good things about living in a home like yours (for example, if you’re talking to a working couple, share the appropriate areas with a home office).

Do a full inspection before selling it

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Or in case you don’t, get ready to be asked to do so by a serious buyer who may already be on their way out. To do this, you need to hire reputable house inspectors who will draw your attention to possible repairs and issue a certificate of inspection.

Potential buyers will appreciate the hassle of a full inspection as it means they will save money on having their own inspection.

They may want to hire another professional or they don’t even bother to do it, but a full inspection remains a badge affecting the price.

Request a Top 5 / Top 10 list of repairs to be done before listing so you know what to focus on to stay one step ahead of the game.

Also, make sure you have one Seller house guarantee. This is the same guarantee buyers get after buying a home, but this applies to the property while it is in the market. At the time of completion, it passes to the buyer.

Offer high quality photography

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Indeed, this is your broker’s job and if he doesn’t seem to be doing his job right, move on to someone else. Almost every shopper these days searches for a place online, which means the first encounter they will have with your place will be the photos you posted.

Needless to say, the photos should be beautiful, interesting, and designed so that people can imagine what it would be like for them to live there. So there is no compromise on their quality: they have to be perfect!

Stay flexible

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It won’t be easy, but you always knew it. People will be coming all the time, one going in, the other going out, and you have to cater to all of their needs.

You need to look more like a friendly seller than a grumpy owner who doesn’t care about selling the place. Schedule visits as often as possible (let someone do it while you work) and guide people around you.

Make sure the tours are at least 30 minutes long so buyers can see anything and ask what they want. It’s exhausting, but it will surely get you where you want it – sell your home for top dollars!