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Fluorescent lighting to save costs and energy

Fluorescent lighting to save costs and energy

Primarily light bulbs were used. Light bulb containing tungsten filaments that produce light when passing electric current was the common lighting method. But during the 19th century, developments in the electric field led to the invention of fluorescent lighting fixtures.

What is fluorescent lighting?

Fluorescent lighting can include any of fluorescent lamps, tubes or a lamp. The basic dynamic involved in producing fluorescence is that the passage of electricity excites mercury electrons and makes it possible to emit ultraviolet rays with short wavelengths which, when striking a phosphor coating, help the fixture to glow. This thing must be remembered that normal fluorescent lamps are low-pressure mercury vapor lamps.

Cost and electricity

You will find fluorescent lighting everywhere from offices, hospitals, homes, schools, airports, shopping malls and other public places. One of the main reasons for using this lighting is that it saves a lot of energy and reduces the electricity bill. Energy crisis which is one of the most chronic issues in underdeveloped countries and they need ways and means to save energy. Fluorescent lighting is an aid for such countries. Although the initial cost of buying and installing fluorescent lamps is expensive, but it is really overcome by the future savings that you will get after installing these lamps. Now you can get your desired luminaire such as wall lamps, lamps, pendant lamps and track lamps to be equipped with fluorescent lighting. Fluorescent lamps are preferred over light bulbs, as they convert more input of electrical energy into visible light.

Hazards from fluorescent lighting

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages and a critical evaluation of it is necessary to make decisions. Although it is beneficial to save energy and costs, but environmentally friendly people are really against the massive production of fluorescent lamps because it uses mercury that is dangerous to living things. There is no proper disposal of mercury. When mercury is trapped in the phosphor tube, it is expected to harm the environment by a fraction of the total amount, regardless of whether broken or damaged pipes pose a safety and health hazard. Another disadvantage of such lighting is the frequent replacement. The service life is normally due to switching the lights on and off. So if you live in such circumstances where the light is turned off and on is higher, your lights will age quickly and you are expected to buy some new lights for the area.