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Defensive deterrents to reduce the risk of break-ins

Defensive deterrents to reduce the risk of break-ins

Break-ins and burglary are ubiquitous risk, but if you understand a bit of basic psychology, there are some measures you can use as effective deterrents, such as: Security doors or home security systems to combat this behavior. Once you understand the reality of the situation, you can take steps to adequately protect your home from theft and intruders.

Here are some countermeasures to reduce the risk of a break-in.

Protect your entry points

It may seem obvious, but a thorough understanding of where intruders are most likely to enter your home is the key. Next, steps are taken to strictly and strictly protect these areas. It may seem like people have to be pretty brave to walk in your front door to rob you, but that’s actually still the most common entry point for burglars. The others are usually your garage doors and rear / sliding doors.

Santa_Cruz_Style_Line_Windows Defensive deterrent to reduce the risk of break-ins

How can you fix that? NEVER leave a key under the mat to start with! The next most important thing is installing security doors (especially on your front door, but the more doors the better). It goes without saying that you always lock your doors. Yes, this is true when you are at home (probably even more so to avoid a home invasion). Other effective obstacles include adding a latch for extra security, as well as installing an alarm system and motion detector around these important entry points.

Make your home a less desirable destination

It has been widely researched that most thieves are opportunists who typically only break into your home when the risk of getting caught is easily outweighed by the reward. This refers to the Risk versus Reward Paradigm in criminology and criminal justice studies. Basically, you don’t make it easy for intruders to enter your home.

Lights up defensive deterrents to reduce the risk of break-in

According to a police officer and expert in the field of BurglaryIt’s all about the “easy hit”. Most criminals are looking for “a house they can break into quickly, take something valuable and leave without being detected.” How do you make your home a less desirable destination? What repellants are best for this purpose?

First, don’t let potential intruders evaluate the “reward” for entering your home by making your possessions visible to the outside world. You would have heard the phrase “try not to seduce thieves” and that is always 100 percent something to remember. Essentially, think about it make the burglar work for it. Make sure you close your curtains, blinds, etc. to keep criminals from window shopping on you.

Some extra precautions to be on the safe side

What more can you do to think outside the box when it comes to criminals? Hide your valuables in unexpected places. Adding a dog buddy to your home environment is warranted as exercise and noise have been shown to be significant deterrents. Also, don’t leave rubbish out on the curb promoting the fact that you just bought a widescreen TV. Avoid these “green lights” for burglars at all costs.

You should probably also consider posting those happy snaps or “check-ins” on Facebook so the world knows that your home is now most likely vacant for an extended period of time. And redirect your mail. The number one thing that potential intruders look out for is an overcrowded amount of mail in your mailbox or near your front door as a signal to continue.


While burglary and break-ins are common, there is no need to produce any other statistic. After reading these articles, you may be surprised how easy it can be to reduce the risk of a break-in. Use common sense, use the right equipment, and maybe even “Think like a criminal” to best repel thieves and intruders from your property.