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Landscape and outdoor lights

Landscape and outdoor lights

Just as much as lighting is important inside the house, it is also important how the area around the house can be lit up at night. If it is small, it must be enough to place lamps on the outer walls of the house, if it is not there are many other ways to light up the small area. But if it is large, the need arises to place outdoor lamps and other possible light sources. Unlike interior lamps, these lamps do not have shades that can be replaced, they are permanent, lamps that consist of glass to protect it from various climatic factors such as rain.

The landscape

Outdoor lighting is pretty much a part of the landscape design itself. While indoor lighting is placed in a way that matches the interior, outdoor lamps must be able to show the landscape design in the best possible way at night. Lamps would also be appreciated on top of both main pillars on either side of the gate. And if there are sub-pillars at equal distances on the composite wall, it is visually appealing to place smaller lamps on them compared to the one on the main pillar. The landscape design will be completely different from one house to another, which is not the case for the interior. How to place outdoor lamps becomes more difficult. In some houses there would be a pool, in which case lamps can be placed around the pool or if it is a small pool, it makes sense to place it on all four corners. In other houses there may be a fountain where the outdoor lamp can be placed in the center construction (if possible) or the same as the pool. There can be many other things such as sculptures, outdoor tables and chairs, etc. The important thing to keep in mind when placing lamps outdoors is that it should be placed at such an angle that it must be able to illuminate the entire structure.

The driveway

If the distance between the gate and the garage is long, it is good to light each side of the driveway with outdoor lights, it makes it easier to find the way when you drive at night. The same goes for sidewalks to walk on. If you have enough space around the house, you can always experiment with different kinds of things outside such as new ways to design the landscape and even better ways to place lamps around them and make it more beautiful at night.