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Change your style with interior design patterns

Change your style with interior design patterns

When it comes to interior design, many different factors can come into play for such a project to be successful. For example, the combination of aspects such as texture, pattern and color plays a big role in making the end product as appealing as possible.

It is important to dig deeper into the various elements of the design before discussing aspects such as those mentioned above. These elements include the following:

* Line / shape
*Proportion of
* Texture / pattern

It used to be discussed how elements like color and line could be used in a more commercial setting to convey a specific message related to the business. Now is the time to focus on using patterns in interior design.


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Color is perhaps the biggest aspect that people seem to understand the most when it comes to interior design. At the same time, however, the color is not as easy to maneuver as you might think. Not only can color be used to convey your primary message and / or main topic, but it can also help set the tone for a given room in terms of psychology, mood, etc.

With all of these things in mind, you will undoubtedly arrive at a specific color scheme that is best suited to what you want to achieve in a room.

Color is also particularly useful for highlighting and creating different focal points within a room, especially when the built-in color scheme is of a more neutral tone.

For example, if you are using a neutral wall color and have placed a particular piece of a lighter color next to the wall, your gaze will of course be drawn to that particular piece immediately. This is also a method that you can use on other different accent pieces across the room, such as: B. Pillows on a sofa.

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Color is also something that can appear very different depending on the time of day. Hence, it is extremely important to consider how color appears in the morning to distinguish how it appears in the evening and / or at night.

This applies to both natural and artificial light, as both can greatly affect the way the colors in your space are revealed to others.


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The aspect of interior design patterns also includes texture. This term is more commonly used when an interior designer refers to the surface quality of a particular material, regardless of whether it feels flat, smooth or bumpy to the touch. The way we normally perceive texture is also influenced by:

* The texture of neighboring surfaces
* The type of lighting on these surfaces
* Our total viewing distance

Texture can also often be described as visual or tactile, or in other words, how we simply perceive an actual texture to feel it versus how the texture itself actually feels.


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When it comes to interior design, mixed patterns can lead to definitions that can differ from those that a person is used to. As we all know, patterns are the various graphic motifs that are repeated on a piece of material. The pattern also refers to a more illustrative perception as opposed to texture, which is more related to the two-dimensional quality of a surface.

Patterns are typically applied to the following settings in a commercial environment:

* Wall coverings
* Carpeting

In addition, interior design patterns are used, among other things, to define surfaces, convey a design style, and influence the scale. However, it is important to always use patterns as balanced as possible. Otherwise, the room itself can become too crowded.


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All the different trends in interior design seem to run in cycles, similar to many other trends. Many different modern interiors preferred aspects such as clean lines, monochromatic colors and solid fabrics, among others. This led to printed pieces practically falling out of favor with most people; However, this is something that is really making a big comeback, especially in terms of interior design. This is something that you want to make sure you are fully prepared for.

The level of activity is determined by the pattern

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Imagine that you are observing an interior that is completely monochrome. There is always a good chance that this type of room will appear “plain”, although some people find it to be rather calm and elegant.

The biggest thing that can help increase the activity level of an indoor space is size, as larger patterns tend to make a person in the room calmer and more visual. On the other hand, patterns that are smaller may appear too “busy” mentally.


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When an interior designer mentions the term “visual weight,” he is referring to the areas of an interior that immediately grab the viewer’s attention. This is something that is extremely easy to do – just go to any room and really look at it.

You can immediately tell if the room itself is well balanced or if there seems to be too much clutter on one side or the other.


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It used to be thought that different patterns should never be mixed together, as rooms appear visually too “busy”. This seems to have changed these days, however, as most designers who choose to mix patterns well enough in interior design can add some complexity that is most commonly found in homes or spaces designed by well -known professionals.


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Many designers feel that using patterns is a method that may be out of date, especially as modern interior design aims to use more monochromatic hues and sleek, clean lines. In addition, most people are content to just use solid colors to decorate rooms, since using patterns for decorative purposes requires a certain amount of skill.

As can be seen from all of the above topics, using patterns is definitely a good thing, especially if you want to add something that will help make a room in your home more visually appealing.