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Decorating a Zen Bedroom – Inspirational Pictures

Decorating a Zen Bedroom – Inspirational Pictures

Zen is a meditation practice by Buddhists. The teachings don’t really deal with interior design or issues that arise, but they emphasize a strictly simple lifestyle. In the West, Zen means “Japanese” or “Japanese-looking” or sparse and simple.

Traditional Japanese bedrooms have a “zen” attribute because they are very simple, and many designers in the west have experimented with the principles. Western designers find something irresistible about Eastern designs, and they have become popular in Western countries, and there is a wide choice from different parts of Asia, from Japan to Thailand, and some designers may “overload” their designs with references from the countries that inspired them.

When decorating a zen bedroom you need to remember what a zen bedroom is all about. Zen bedrooms contain only the essentials of furniture; Bed, chair, lamp, desk, that’s it. It’s uncluttered and has few decorative details, meaning that minimal wall art is used, such as two paintings or less.

When decorating a zen bedroom you need to remember to use natural and attractive materials when furnishing it, such as wood, which is one of the basic natural materials. Zen bedrooms don’t have freestanding furniture to store things like bookcases or closets. So you need to invest in built-in furniture.

But it is possible to have a zen bedroom with some metallic embellishments, such as B. Chairs with metal stools. Remember, it is your own choice.

The opposite of a zen bedroom is a room with bookcases, cupboards that are not part of the room, full of colors and patterns, and decorated with intricate pictures, patterned wallpaper, etc.

Some people believe that Zen is an aesthetic that is meant to be clean and open, with hidden storage spaces and minimal decorations, while others believe that it is a design that is naturally supposed to have a Japanese touch, if it’s your own influence on it can have the way it looks while keeping it as minimalistic as possible.

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