Home / Decoration (page 30)


Tips for decorating your interior after renting a space

The decision is on the table: you rent a seat. It is the first and most important step towards the independence that everyone wants. Before you move in, you should solve many important questions and consider all the “tricks” for a successful rental process. Calculate and plan ahead Budgeting is …

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How external elements influence the interior design

The view outside, often through one or more windows, but also through doors and other entrances, should always be considered in the overall picture of the room. In this sense, external elements that are visible from the inside are part of the interior. Like it or not, the elements outside …

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Color schemes for beautiful homes

Whenever you give your home a fresh and new look, you can always combine different shades, from the lightest highlights to the darkest shades. It’s a real decor booster as a new mix of colors for your room or even your entire home can drastically liven up the mood and …

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Great looking purple couch design ideas

The colors are all around us and their effects on our lives are enormous and too often underestimated. They unconsciously affect our moods. For this reason, when designing the living space, you should consider what kind of feelings you want to create with them. The purple color symbolizes power, nobility, …

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How interior design affects your creativity and behavior

The interior design can say a lot about a person, especially about their background and behavior. Many people realize the traditional motifs and cultural heritage through the way they design their home. Interior design has to do with everything that is visually appealing and at the same time effective and …

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