Home / Decoration / Unforgettable Apartment in Kiev Designed by Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable Apartment in Kiev Designed by Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable Apartment in Kiev Designed by Studio BARABAN

Studio BARABAN created an unforgettable apartment in Kiev. The apartment is full of all sorts of facilities that make creative use of the modern design. For example, there is a large floor lamp above the table that looks exactly like an enlarged version of a 90s-style black desk lamp. It has lighting fixtures that look almost like starfish or other types of marine life.

The bed almost looks like a sturdy beanbag. However, none of this furniture looks out of place, and all of them manage to maintain a certain calm dignity despite their eye-catching appearance. This apartment in Kiev was designed by designers willing to take risks and their risks paid off well.

The walls of this apartment are mustard yellow that people don’t see that often, and they make the place look more old-fashioned than it would otherwise. Much of the other furniture is brown which adds to the old fashioned feel.

While some of the furniture in this apartment is reminiscent of the 1990s, some of the design elements appear to be from the 1970s or 1960s. As a result, the apartment looks almost like a nostalgic homage to the 20th century in general. This design element is sure to appeal to the elderly and notable who will be in the market for such a private residence.

Many of them will likely want to imagine themselves in their own way these days, and this is the perfect apartment for that purpose.

Unforgettable apartment in Kiev designed by Studio BARABAN-1 Unforgettable apartment in Kiev designed by Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable apartment in Kiev-Designed-by-Studio-BARABAN-2 Unforgettable apartment in Kiev Designed By Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable Kiev apartment designed by Studio BARABAN-3 Unforgettable Kiev apartment designed by Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable apartment in Kiev-Designed-by-Studio-BARABAN-4 Unforgettable apartment in Kiev Designed By Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable Apartment in Kiev-Designed-by-Studio-BARABAN-5 Unforgettable Apartment in Kiev Designed By Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable Kiev apartment designed by Studio BARABAN-6 Unforgettable Kiev apartment designed by Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable apartment in Kiev-Designed-by-Studio-BARABAN-7 Unforgettable apartment in Kiev Designed By Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable Apartment in Kiev-Designed-by-Studio-BARABAN-8 Unforgettable Apartment in Kiev Designed By Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable apartment in Kiev-Designed-by-Studio-BARABAN-9 Unforgettable apartment in Kiev Designed By Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable Kiev apartment designed by Studio BARABAN-10 Unforgettable Kiev apartment designed by Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable Kiev apartment designed by Studio BARABAN-11 Unforgettable Kiev apartment designed by Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable Kiev apartment designed by Studio BARABAN-12 Unforgettable Kiev apartment designed by Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable apartment in Kiev designed by Studio BARABAN-13 Unforgettable apartment in Kiev designed by Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable Kiev apartment designed by Studio BARABAN-14 Unforgettable Kiev apartment designed by Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable apartment in Kiev designed by Studio BARABAN-15 Unforgettable apartment in Kiev designed by Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable apartment in Kiev-Designed-by-Studio-BARABAN-16 Unforgettable apartment in Kiev Designed By Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable apartment in Kiev-Designed-by-Studio-BARABAN-17 Unforgettable apartment in Kiev Designed By Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable Kiev apartment designed by Studio BARABAN-18 Unforgettable Kiev apartment designed by Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable apartment in Kiev-Designed-by-Studio-BARABAN-19 Unforgettable apartment in Kiev Designed By Studio BARABAN

Unforgettable Kiev apartment designed by Studio BARABAN-20 Unforgettable Kiev apartment designed by Studio BARABAN