Home / Decoration (page 18)


Modern interior design furniture

Yes, choosing the right furniture for your home is a creative and fun activity, but it can be tricky every now and then. Even if you know exactly what you need, go to the store and get confused with the thousands of modern furniture designs the place has to offer. …

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Luxury Bali Villa Designed by Jodie Cooper Design

As you sit by the pool and gaze out at the beautiful landscape of this luxury Bali villa, you may wonder how life could possibly get better. The landscape, the skyline and of course the house itself are all objects of perfect beauty that show the great taste there is …

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Upgrade your apartment to your style

Home is where the heart is. This is a phrase that is overused and underestimated. Just because you’re paying rent for a place doesn’t make it feel like home. It doesn’t automatically feel comfortable and safe. A home should be an extension of your personality. It should be a place …

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Nice living room with striped walls

The walls of a living room can be the main focal point of the room. The walls of any room can accommodate most of the desired style of the room, so fewer decorations are spread out in the rest of the room. How do you make your living room walls …

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Enhance your mood with interior design

Moods are a part of our everyday life, the result of all our emotions and reactions to the environment. A certain mood can last all day. Good or bad moods are known to depend on the events, color and other external factors around us. Moods are subtle and not as …

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9 Ways To Sell Your Home Quickly

Selling the place you call your home is stressful on its own, not to mention the actual selling process. You don’t just have to pack your things and leave the place – you have to find a person who will buy it at a price you think is reasonable and …

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Advantages and disadvantages of bamboo floors

Recently, bamboo flooring has become a popular element of home design. No wonder, because bamboo has three essential properties: strength, sustainability and a stylish appearance. In addition, bamboo flooring is significantly cheaper than hardwood. However, we encourage you to consider some pros and cons of bamboo flooring before making the …

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