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Build an energy efficient house with an energy saving interior design

I remember we used to be asked to wear sweaters instead of using a heater to keep us warm. In those times we felt, why should anyone do this when you have convenience and affordability? Well, the answer lies in the following quote: “A wise man saves”.

Well that’s right! Whether in this modern world or in old age, who wouldn’t want to save money on electricity bills, an energy that tends to be saved? Who wouldn’t want to use this simple method and prefer to spend on something fun and recognizable?

36 Build an energy-efficient house with an energy-saving interior designImage source: MR.MITCHELL

Creating an energy efficiency is therefore one of the smartest decisions a person could make to save in the near future for both themselves and the economy. Aside from being socially responsible, it guarantees your wallet more cash than before and a stylish, futuristic home for wise people. That is also the job of a perfect interior designer.

This is how you save energy

Saving energy is a very simple and futuristic task that can be economically efficient for you. There are certain ways to do this. Just follow the simple methods shown below to build an energy efficient home.

27 Build an energy-efficient house with an energy-saving interior designImage source: van Ellen + Sheryn Architects

Installation of a ceiling fan

You have to think about that it is in almost every home, but what is the difference between traditional and vice versa?

110 Building an energy-efficient house with an energy-saving interior designImage source: Live destination

A ceiling fan not only keeps you cool in summer, but can now also switch your fan so that the blades rotate backwards. This creates a gentle breeze of warm air upwards.

This can also help in winter. Just look for the reverse switch on top of your fan unit that will cause the blades to rotate in the opposite direction and force the hot air trapped near the ceiling into your living area.

46 Building an energy-efficient house with an energy-saving interior designImage source: Architecture workshop PC

Now this approach can save an air conditioning system that consumes up to 3500 watts of energy, while a ceiling fan consumes 60 watts. Interesting, no?

There are so many designs on the market now that can be a source of decoration for your home. A ceiling fan can also be an easy way to add decor to your home design if you want to decorate yourself or through the source of the interior.

54 Building an energy-efficient house with an energy-saving interior designImage source: Reico kitchen & bathroom

Lacquer color: replacement for excessive lighting

Light is the basic need that cannot be compromised. However, there can be approaches that can reduce light consumption and illuminate your life.

66 Building an energy-efficient house with an energy-saving interior designImage source: Knock architecture
The US Energy Information Administration estimates that lighting accounts for up to 11% of electricity consumption in residential areas. How about replacing your excess lights with paint? The color on the wall works the same way as with compact fluorescent lamps when it comes to energy-saving interior design. Light colors on the wall can reflect more light and thus produce more light with the same light source than the dark colors.

Bright colors not only illuminate your home, but can also keep it cool, creating an energy efficient home.

75 Building an energy-efficient house with an energy-saving interior designImage source: PLACE Architect Ltd.
Lights can make your wallets glow. However, this doesn’t mean you have to go crazy and paint every room color whitish. Exercise can keep you warm even in winter. For example, orange or yellow colors can make you feel warm and blue can make you feel cooler. You can change your color twice a year.

LED lighting

By switching from incandescent to LED lightbulbs, you can save 40% or more on energy costs. Non-LED users will definitely say that these lamps don’t produce the same warm light. However, LED is advancing rapidly and will soon be bringing out cheaper and more productive lamps that restore the warm glow of incandescent lamps.

Flooring as an efficient source of energy

Studies and perception show that carpets absorb a lot of heat, especially in the winter season. A simple rug can work well in your home and create an amazing interior design, and simplicity is essential beauty. Carpets can also be good choices because of their comfort and softness.

84 Building an energy-efficient house with an energy-saving interior designImage source: ZeroEnergy design
When we’re talking about hard floors like stained concrete, laminate, or the like, as opposed to carpeting, adding or removing carpets can help make the room feel warmer or cooler. In addition, the positioning of the floors is another important point to ensure that the air is not blocked by the vent deflectors.

Efficient windows and skylights and curtains

Vitality-enabled windows and windows with a view of the sky prevent your carpets and furniture from blurring by cutting out UV rays. This will make it cheaper and easier to keep your home comfortable. On the other hand, consider window films to help keep your home cool in the middle of the year (although they may keep you from taking advantage of the sunlight as part of winter).

94 Building an energy-efficient house with an energy-saving interior designImage source: S2 design
Additionally, hanging beautiful curtains on windows or rooms can be a great source to add color and pattern to a room’s decor. It can also maximize your home’s heat absorption. Opening the curtains in winter will turn off natural light, reducing the need for an electrical heating source.

Replace your water heater with a water heater

The winters are loved every day because of the hot water bath. How about capitalizing on that fun by using a water heater? It provides hot water when needed. Instantaneous water heaters only heat the water when it is switched on. The savings from using a water heater with no power start can amount to $ 100 per year as advertised on energy.gov.

105 Building an energy-efficient house with an energy-saving interior designImage source: Ben Callery Architects
Although these tankless water heaters are more immoderate than their less effective counterparts, they usually last longer (mill lifespan is 20 years), which makes speculation more advantageous. Verellenhc has covered some really efficient ones

If you’d prefer not to spend the extra cash on another water heater, you should just turn down the internal regulator on your ebb and flow water cooler a few degrees – it’s better not to do anything, and doing that on each and every piece will help in the long run .

Right choice for insulation

Insulation is a great option to keep the heat in your home and to build an energy efficient home which is the main purpose. Picking up insulators is a bit of a tricky task, so before buying one you need to make sure that you have the right type of insulator for a better future.

Put a movie on your Windows

Movies in your homes can definitely reduce the heat and add a touch of decor to your redesigned home even from an interior designer. This can be efficient in keeping the furniture and other equipment safe from rust and dust.

Cool roofs

Cool roofs can be made with bricks, shingles, or other substances like paint. This way, the air conditioning cost is eliminated from your life as it will make your home cooler. This is also a fact that roofs are a source of heating and cooling in the respective weather conditions.

Plant trees for air conditioning

Landscape architecture is also a form of interior design as well as an efficient and economical way to build your home. Landscaping is an important part of making sure your home looks beautiful, but it can also prevent wasted energy.

124 Building an energy-efficient house with an energy-saving interior designImage source: Edgley design
Not only are trees a source of oxygen or decoration, but plantations also allow the trees to protect your home from the sun. In winter, these branches, with their leaves removed, can let the sun into your home to keep it warm.

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By following the methods above, you can not only cut your costs but also beautify your home and save money for the future or for your comfort. As I said, everything has opportunity costs, so energy also has opportunity costs, i.e. money that can be easily saved.