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Is your home making you sick? Improve your health with these tips

Have you ever heard of “Sick House Syndrome”? If not, you might want to take a look. There are a number of problems people can have because of their living conditions, from congestion, allergies, sinus problems, and fatigue to emotional changes and cognitive problems. If you feel like you are getting sick of the flu all the time, you may need to make some changes in your home to see improvement.

Often times, people don’t realize that their home is making them sick. Only after going on vacation and suddenly feeling better, only to get worse shortly after arriving, do they realize the problem in their home.

If you have health issues that subside when you are away from home, here are some tips you should follow to improve your wellbeing.

Make some checks

First, check your oven filters. You should replace these every 3 months. If your filter hasn’t recently changed, a new filter may be required. If your filters aren’t working properly, unwanted contaminants can enter your home, causing breathing difficulties and sinus problems.

Store chemicals outside of your home

If you keep toxic chemicals like pesticides and paint in your home, it’s time to take them outside. Ideally, you should keep them in a place that is not connected to the house, e.g. B. in an outdoor shed or workshop.

However, if that is not possible, consider storing them in a well-ventilated and dry place in your garage. This ensures that you are not leaching any contaminants into the air in your home.

Keep dry

A damp home is a leading cause of health problems. Moisture is a breeding ground for bacteria, mold and mildew. If not controlled, it can cause breathing problems and allergic reactions that are difficult to live with. In some people with decreased immunity, as well as the elderly and the very young, this can have serious consequences.

It is very important to keep moisture out of the house by opening a window or running a fan while you are cooking and showering or bathing. Avoid drying clothes indoors as this will also release moisture into the atmosphere of your home.

A great addition to any home, a dehumidifier effectively removes excess moisture from the air, so your home can be healthier and mold-free. View this website Learn more about the benefits of dehumidifiers and how to choose one for your home.

Avoid toxic chemical products

We usually rely heavily on cleaning products and sprays to clean our homes. However, they can contain toxic chemicals that can cause breathing problems, burning eyes, and sore throats.

This is especially true if your windows are closed while using these sprays, as a lack of ventilation will only make the problem worse. Instead, use natural or environmentally friendly cleaning products that do not contain chemicals. Your home will stay clean, but without the harmful side effects that cause you misery.

Switch to hard floor

img-services-hard-floor-care-01 Does your home make you sick?  Improve your health with these tips

While carpets are warm and comfortable, they can cause a variety of problems for anyone sensitive to dust. It can be almost impossible to remove dust from your carpets, even with regular vacuuming. Difficulty breathing, itchy eyes and a sore throat can result.

Switching to hard floors like laminate is a great way to reduce floor dust as you can simply wipe them clean to pick up dust. You can also invest in an air purifier to remove excess dust and other contaminants in the air in your home.

This will help you breathe easier. Make sure your vacuum cleaner has a HEPA filter too, and use it regularly on soft furnishings and curtains to get even more dust out of your home.

Keep these tips in mind and put our advice into practice. You will find yourself feeling a lot better. With a cleaner indoor environment, your breathing difficulties and allergic reactions are a thing of the past, so you and your family can enjoy fresher air.