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Architecture design inspiration showcasing beautiful buildings

Architecture design inspiration showcasing beautiful buildings

Professionals take inspiration from architecture from multiple sources. However, it is no coincidence that many different buildings from the same period develop a somewhat uniform appearance.

Certain members of the architectural community set standards, and those standards will apply indefinitely to their entire field. Many of these pioneering architects rebel against the current standards, allowing them to set the new ones that their peers and competitors will then follow.

The inspiration for architectural design comes from several sources, but often specifically from other architects in one way or another.

Many architects will learn about all the styles of the past in order to prevent them from reinventing the wheel, so to speak, and to stimulate their imaginations enough in the first place. Architecture is a mystery to many people, although they can tell good design when they actually see it and bad design when they actually see it.

People can spot a building that is symmetrical and balanced in appearance, and they can spot a building that has been intentionally designed asymmetrically to stand out and achieve its own unique quality. Many modern architectural designs fall into this category, and people can appreciate these seemingly building-sized abstract works of art. However, many other modern architectural designs are paradoxically traditional, mimicking the styles of the past that people have enjoyed for centuries.

Other types of design attempt to create a unique synthesis of the two for truly outstanding architectural design inspirations.

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