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What to Look for When Buying a Townhouse in Malta

What to Look for When Buying a Townhouse in Malta

Townhouses in Malta are really great investments, they are popular rental properties for tourists and citizens alike, and with the slowly increasing property value, you will soon find a great way to store wealth.

Townhouses are so charming and full of character with antique furniture, wooden beams and limestone arches.

According to Karkanja real estateAside from the usual considerations like budget and location, there are many factors that come into play when buying a town house in Malta. Another important point to keep in mind is the aesthetic characteristics of the townhouse you are planning to buy.

Surprisingly, people don’t understand that the design of the house plays an important role in the future price of the house and its perceived value.

What role does design actually play?

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Many real estate agents will agree that a beautiful home is so much easier to sell and mark up than a home with a terrible looking facade.

A pretty home not only appeals to the owner of the property, but works the same way for potential tenants and tenants of the home, should you so choose.

What should I look for when buying a townhouse in Malta?

senior2b What to look for when buying a townhouse in Malta

First of all, one of the most important things is the townhouse location, as we mentioned earlier. There are some designs that work better in certain neighborhoods.

For example, if you are buying a townhouse in a location with a rustic “rich” feel, it is best to find a design that aims to keep that rustic feel.

If you are shopping in a place with lots of young urban professionals, no matter how many years go by, a modern vibe in this particular district can make your home timeless.

What do you like?

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The next thing to look for when choosing a home is your personal preference because ultimately, whether or not you’ve rented out your townhouse, you are still the sole owner of the property.

You need a property that exudes your personal style and characteristics. It doesn’t always have to be the case, but you need to understand that traits are also an innate expression of yourself.

Thoughts on expansion

If you are still unsure of what changes to make to the townhouse you are looking to buy, think about one very important thing that some homebuyers fail to consider on many occasions: “Can you do more with the house? ”

This is an important consideration, especially if you are thinking of maximizing the usefulness of the home in the future, or if you expect additional renters when it is used.

Look for open floor plans that you can easily modify. They offer more room for improvement. If you choose not to expand, you’ll love the extra space in between.

Stay away from fads in home design

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They may look great in home magazines, but they are absolutely not the way to go. Do you remember when everyone wanted to have a white kitchen?

We understand if it’s really a personal preference, but think about the practical implications of a white kitchen. Not only is it more difficult to clean, but maintenance can be a bit stressful if you’re not too careful.


Pick a house that you can imagine after a few years and that you keep falling in love with. And if in doubt, of course, consult an architect or a professional real estate agent.