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kitchen lighting ideas

kitchen lighting ideas

I am a mother of two but my kitchen is my third child. I am a housewife and love this workstation a lot. I usually spend 5-6 hours a day here cooking, cleaning and performing other tasks. So I have planned to modernize my kitchen a bit to spice up the appeal and create a more comfortable and cozy environment to work in. kitchen lighting idea will definitely fill my cart.

Fancy chandelier

I hope a nice sized chandelier will definitely upgrade my kitchen’s overall appeal as glazed cabinets are greatly enlarged kitchen lighting fixture. It will also add to my signature style statement in my kitchen. Although this will definitely consume a lot of electrical energy, but I will only use this on special occasions like Christmas, Easter and family reunions. Since I have my dining table placed in my country kitchen, it will be a good light instrument for dinners. If you hold a little kitchen buffet in the same place, you can use some exotic and stylish table lamps to create a unique and fascinating feeling for the whole environment

Hanging lamps

Colorful mercury lamps that hang on the worktops will not spice up the kitchen feel but also help to improve the beauty of the worktop. I have wooden worktops with laminated edging so that these lamps will definitely be a reinforcing tool for the splendor of quality fixtures in my kitchen. Ceiling lights can also be a beautiful addition to your space.

Wall lamp

Normally, corners and edges remain unattended in many homes. But I have decided to use and decorate every inch of my home. Wall lights would definitely be a good idea to divert light to dark unattended places. Low light wall lamps can also be used if you keep some lamps alive at night in the kitchen. Care should be taken when installing fixtures and lighting as the kitchen is the second most prone area for moisture after bathrooms. Electrical appliances must be properly grounded and the wiring must be checked regularly.

Heating can also be hung in the kitchen with the help of some rare antique lighting object. An old brass-based oil lamp can be a beautiful addition to your kitchen. Decorating a kitchen is an art and is seldom used to it.