Home / Kitchen / Wood kitchen: What is the difference between solid wood, real wood and old wood?

Wood kitchen: What is the difference between solid wood, real wood and old wood?

Wood kitchen: What is the difference between solid wood, real wood and old wood?

Wood kitchen is not the same wood kitchen. Anyone who deals with the subject quickly comes up against different terms such as kitchens made of solid wood, real wood, solid wood or old wood. Even in professional circles, there are different definitions and ideas for the individual terms. So that you do not lose track of the purchase of a wooden kitchen and can not be fooled by the confusing names of the manufacturers and sellers, we go into this article the various names of a wood kitchen to the bottom.

Kitchen made of real wood

A real wood kitchen is the umbrella term for a wood kitchen. Because as real wood every material is called, which has its origin in real wood. A real wood kitchen is therefore any kitchen that is made of real wood. The term “real wood” is however extensively stretchable. For example, a kitchen made of veneer and chipboard is often sold in the industry as a real wood kitchen. The term is being used mainly by well-known brands and manufacturers to serve the customer cause false associations in terms of quality and workmanship.

Kitchen made of solid wood or solid wood

Kitchens made of solid wood are far more valuable than real wood kitchens. A common definition for kitchens made of solid wood, there is unfortunately not. However, according to  industry standards, kitchens – with the exception of the drawer bottoms and back walls – must be made entirely of solid wood in order to be declared as solid wood kitchen. The difference in solid wood and wood lies in the processing of the wood species.

Solid wood, on the other hand, is made from three single plates, which are cross-glued. Cross-glued means that the middle layer is transverse to the outer two layers. This makes the wood very durable and does not warp so much during temperature changes. The difference to solid wood is on the one hand that wood is particularly heavy and therefore not suitable for thin floors and walls due to their limited carrying capacity. On the other hand, solid wood panels are made of a type of wood, but not necessarily of a trunk. In addition, the middle layer is always visible when cutting. This leads to the typical “solid wood” look.

Partial kitchen

A special feature are partially massive kitchens. Their fronts usually consist of solid frames, but the panels of the blockboards are usually made of veneer. On the outside, the kitchen makes the appearance of a normal solid wood kitchen, but is far easier and cheaper.

Waste wood kitchen

A very special wood kitchen is a kitchen made of old wood. These are – as the name suggests – old wood, which is processed into new kitchen furniture. This creates kitchens with a unique look and feel. In a used wood kitchen each bar tells its own story. Every hole, every notch stands for an anecdote. This makes a used wood kitchen something very special.