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Tips and pictures for lighting the bedroom

Tips and pictures for lighting the bedroom

The bedroom is actually the only place in your home that you don’t receive guests. Therefore, the interior of the bedroom is the most important one that you will implement.

We all have different bedroom ideas – some of us want them to be more dramatic while others strive for neutrality, but one thing is for sure: we all want a bedroom with adjustable lights!

Lighting sets the mood in a place, and that’s a fact. This is why we need to be careful with our bedroom lighting ideas, both for master bedrooms and children’s rooms.

Ready to hear some key bedroom lighting tips? Let’s start!


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You need to be aware of size as the most critical aspect when choosing your bedroom lighting (other rooms too). The luminaire does not have to be oversized to properly emit and distribute light. This means that even small lamps can be enough to illuminate every corner of the room.

A very popular modern lighting solution for bedrooms is to provide sufficient lighting with as many light sources as possible. However, this can have the opposite effect: you may get a room where one corner is perfectly lit for the tribute of the corner above in total darkness.

Whatever your choice, you need to consider parts that are actually the size of your bedroom. If you have a small attic, big pedants and chandeliers won’t do the job right.


Bedroom-lighting-tips-and-pictures-6 Bedroom-lighting tips and picturesImage source: Balance Design Ltd.

Keep in mind that bedrooms typically have low (8 feet) or high (9 feet) ceilings. Both heights indicate how you should position your lighting fixtures.

The general tendency is to avoid long body devices and to prefer flush mount devices instead. Even if the ceiling is low, keep the lights high enough to distribute the light in any part of the room (you’ll need it for reading, dressing, etc.).


Bedroom-lighting-tips-and-pictures-4 Bedroom-lighting tips and picturesImage source: Svetlana Filippova Art & Design

Who needs lights right above the bed? You don’t want to be blinded while resting in the evening or falling asleep because of the fear of your chandelier falling on your head.

Ideally, the lights should be positioned upside down, as they emit pleasantly soft light when reading.

The functions of a lamp

Bedroom-lighting-tips-and-pictures-3 Bedroom-lighting tips and picturesImage source: One-World Design Architects

There are many, aren’t they? Along with the size of the room, the feature has a huge impact on the type and number of devices you plan to install. Think of the ambience you need: do you read before you go to sleep?

Do you meditate or do you do yoga? Answering these and similar questions will give you a complete picture of the direct and indirect installations that need to be done in your bedroom.

Your options

Bedroom-lighting-tips-and-pictures-5 bedroom-lighting tips and picturesImage source: Lizette Marie interior design

Just because you had to ditch your plush bedroom chandelier version, it doesn’t mean you get bored of shopping for suitable fixtures. You need to understand that bedroom lighting is special and functionality is most important.

It will not be easy to come to terms with the idea as it wasn’t many people who ended up choosing to stratify.

Layering means that you should use more than a single light to enrich the ambience, such as standard chandeliers and a table lamp for recessed lighting. Floor lamps and discarded candles are also good ideas.

Brilliant solutions for stylish lighting

Bedroom-lighting-tips-and-pictures-2 Bedroom-lighting tips and picturesImage source: DKOR Interiors Inc. – Interior Designers Miami, FL

With a stylish bedroom and a sophisticated theme, you certainly don’t want the lighting to look out of place. This is why you should choose lights that match the color scheme and overall decor.

For example, if you own a room inspired by the glamorous Hollywood Regency, you should settle for nothing less than a sumptuous chandelier.

Moving in the opposite direction will get you to simple and recessed lighting, similar to Serge Mouille lamps. You can even enjoy a breath of hotel elegance and hang up traditional scones for a cool atmosphere.

Pick a topic

Bedroom-lighting-tips-and-pictures-11 Bedroom-lighting tips and picturesImage source: Artistic Designs for Life, Tineke Triggs

A theme in the bedroom is related to the mood you want to evoke. Do you prefer a romantic feel enriched by incandescent wall lights that cast soft light?

Or is a dramatic setting with shiny chandeliers your cup of tea? Choosing the right mood is really important, and you should definitely read some design magazines for inspiration. You wouldn’t believe all the great ideas that people have!

Get innovative

Bedroom-lighting-tips-and-pictures-8 bedroom lighting tips and picturesImage source: WN Interiors.

The most innovative lighting solution for bedrooms are bedside lamps. Attention, we are not discussing the traditional ones, but the results of a long and fruitful development of design ideas.

You shouldn’t buy a classic bedside lamp anymore as this can be perfectly replaced with hanging scones and hanging additions that create space and diffuse soft light. These devices are perfect for reading in the evening and are also good for small spaces. Not to mention how easy it is to clean them up!

Get electrically innovative

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Just a few years ago, you had no choice but to turn off the light when you felt it was too strong. Fortunately, these days there are dimmer remotes that you can use to control the level of your bedroom lighting and choose the exact infusion of light for the mood you want to evoke.

The best elements for lighting up and down are bed lamps with 3-way lamps, ideally with stem-switch controls or on-off control panels on the cable.

Dimmers are also good because they save energy and therefore have a very positive effect on your monthly budget. They’re also very handy: you can dim them to indicate you’re home while you have the weekend off, and you can even program them to turn off at a specific time.


Bedroom-lighting-tips-and-pictures-10 bedroom lighting tips and picturesImage source: Inspired Design Ltd.

Another important purpose of light in bedrooms is to highlight works of art, especially large sculptures and architectural textures.

Pick the point you want to expose and let the lights follow the pattern: for example, bold and dramatic pieces should always be accompanied by a direct spotlight. The more light you give your favorite masterpiece, the more interesting it will be to look at.

The most common lighting mistakes and how to avoid them

You wouldn’t believe this, but getting the right amount of light in the bedroom is a clue and a catch. Very often a seemingly good decision turns out to be a functional disaster, and it all happens because people don’t learn some basic pitfalls before installing their lights.

The first is to keep the overhead lights down. Overwhelming brightness will “kill” the relaxing ambience and mess up your otherwise perfect decor. The second option is to limit the recessed lighting, especially if you have a small and soft bedroom that needs to exude calm.

Lighting fixtures as decorative tools

Bedroom-lighting-tips-and-pictures-1-1 Bedroom lighting tips and picturesImage source: Garret Cord Werner Architects & Interior Designers

While most people perceive lights as purely functional, we’d like to tell you that underestimating the decorative power of lighting fixtures is not the best design idea you’ve ever had.

You have to choose nifty and appealing lighting fixtures, but you should do so with caution: overdoing it with exquisite chandeliers that transform the bedroom into a showroom is aesthetically good, but does it really provide the right lighting?

Will it match the rest of your lighting layers? All of this must be considered before making a final decision.

The importance of lighting children’s rooms

Bedroom-lighting-tips-and-pictures-12 bedroom lighting tips and picturesImage source: J&J Design Group, LLC.

You need to make sure that your child has just enough light to carry out all of their activities. There should be the classic ceiling light to keep the place bright without shining directly into the child’s eyes to cause glare or squint.

We recommend table table lamps by the bed or even soft wall lights for teenagers who are afraid of the dark. A very good idea would be to get creative and choose certain playful lights that fit the theme of the room (provided they are also functional).