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How to clean chandeliers in wood

How to clean chandeliers in wood

Wooden chandeliers are not only beautiful, they are also intricate pieces but you need to make sure that they are well maintained, therefore it is important to clean them. Cleaning a wooden chandelier is very easy and the end result is always fantastic. With wooden chandeliers, you need to worry less about water and moisture reaching the electrical components because you have different options, for example, you can just wipe its surface.

To clean your chandelier, you need at least two microfiber cloths, wood cleaner and a ladder if it cannot be reached.

The cleaning procedure

Before cleaning your wooden chandelier, make sure that the lights are off and that the chandelier is cool. Set the steps in a stable position and comfortable enough to reach the chandeliers. You need to start at the top of the compartments by spraying the wood cleaner on the chandelier and then wiping it with the microfiber cloth. Replace the rags when they get dirty.

Cleaning the wooden crown piece by piece

There are times when the wooden crown requires thorough cleaning; in this case you need a mild detergent, lint-free cloth, ladder, plastic colander. When cleaning wooden chandeliers, it is always important to make sure that the power is completely off and the light bulbs have cooled down. Place a heavy pillow or blanket under the chandelier to prevent chandelier pieces from falling during the spreading process.

It is also recommended to take pictures of the fixture from different angles before dividing the chandelier. Carefully remove the pieces one after the other and place them carefully on the blanket. Once all the pieces have been removed, clean them in your mild detergent, rinse them in warm water and place the pieces in a dry cloth so that they can dry completely and repeat the same process until all components are washed and dried. Put your chandelier back in wood and fix them.

The advantage is that there are other home remedies that you can use to clean your chandelier in wood and to make the work easier; you must make sure that you dust off the chandelier before cleaning it. In addition, you need to work from the inside, to the center and then outside when reassembling the chandelier. It is also important to make sure that you dust the light bulbs before installing them on a chandelier.