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Solid concrete house with spacious interior

Solid concrete house with spacious interior

The house in Ekali, a privileged suburb of Athens, had to serve both as the home of the owners and as an exhibition space for their extensive art collection.

Due to the steeply angled, sloping terrain, the house was built on several levels. The access to the main street on the lowest level opens to an indoor pool and creates a dialogue between the entrance and the water.

Upstairs is the main living / dining area and kitchen, all of which serve for their domestic purposes and as art display areas at the same time.

These areas open to the main courtyards built on a higher level due to the angle of the location and are away from street noise. The master bedroom is on the top level.

The larger facade of the building faces the street – the other faces the inside of the site.

On the street, the dominant facade and the massive walls give the residents of the house privacy and distinguish a fixed boundary between the public space of the street and the private space of the house.

Concrete support and free standing walls frame the huge white cantilevered living room to create a strong sense of harmony.

The sides of the courtyard dissolve into long glass surfaces, beams and pergolas, emphasizing the relationship between inside and outside and blurring the distinction between the two. The main feeling when moving towards the courtyards is transparency, semi-enclosed spaces and increasing space.

Water surrounds the building designed by ISV ArchitectsThis makes the garden a calm and peaceful place. A pavilion specially designed to display the owners’ works of art forms the backdrop for the garden. It’s very noticeable, looks solid during the day and transparent at night.

Exposed concrete and white surfaces enhance and show the structural elements of the house. The interior of the house is done in white and cream tones and forms the neutral background necessary for the presentation of the artwork.

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83398004953 Solid concrete house with a spacious interior

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83398037016 Solid concrete house with a spacious interior

83398044880 Solid concrete house with spacious interior

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83398062031 Solid concrete house with a spacious interior