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Mattresses 180×200

Mattresses 180×200

Many people prefer in a double bed two separate mattresses, because each side of the bed can be equipped so individually. Only downside: the lack of visitors. That’s why we offer z. B. continuous mattresses in 180×200 cm, which allow a large bed without gap. On some models, two different 90-cm-wide cores can be combined in a single cover if you and your partner have different preferences.

High quality bedding for your double bed:

Mattresses with a size of 180×200 cm are in very little demand compared to beds with these dimensions. This is because double beds are usually equipped with two half-width mattresses. Especially when sleeping in bed with two people makes sense, because this way you can respond to the feelings of the individual and meet their needs. Another disadvantage of a large mattress, when a person moves, this movement is transferred to the mattress and thus to the other person. Both sleepers have two quieter sleeps with two separate models.

Further information about mattresses in 180×200 cm

If you pay attention to the same mattress height, the transition from one mattress to the other is barely noticeable. We can also offer some variants with two mattress cores in one cover so that you have a continuous surface at the top, but you have two cores adapted to the needs of each sleeper. Thus, the so-called visitor’s throat is no longer an issue.