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Sofa beds for guests

Sofa beds for guests

Who likes to invite friends, provides with a couch for comfortable sitting in convivial round. Sofa beds also have the advantage that your guests can stay overnight, because the attractive seating can be transformed into a sleeping place in a few simple steps. In addition to guest sofas for a sleeping person,

Comfortable sleeping space for visitors with attractive added value: Sofa beds for guests

In the past, the whole family often shared a big bed. When visitors / guests arrived and stayed overnight, it was quite common at the time to invite them to the family bed as well. Not all guesthouses got their own bed in guesthouses – today’s pensions – but were often accommodated together with completely strangers.

With a sofa bed you stay flexible

If you have a large enough flat and frequent overnight stays, you will certainly be thinking of making an entire room a guest room. In principle, you can simply put any bed of suitable size with appropriate equipment and other pieces of furniture into the room. Depending on the size of the room, the use of the specifically furnished guest room is actually limited to the accommodation of guests.

Thankfully, times have changed: Sufficient living space and affordable furniture for everyone in many variants, which require significantly less space, are available today. In the area of ​​guest accommodation, there are also a variety of special solutions.

If you have a large enough flat and frequent overnight stays, you will certainly be thinking of making an entire room a guest room. In principle, you can simply put any bed of suitable size with appropriate equipment and other pieces of furniture into the room. Depending on the size of the room, the use of the specifically furnished guest room is actually limited to the accommodation of guests.

If you choose a sofa bed instead of the guest bed to furnish the room, you can make the space easier and more convenient for other activities. With a TV, for example, you can create a cozy place to dodge, when the wife is watching your favorite series in the living room or the husband and his friends are celebrating a hearty football night. Also for reading or for creative hobbies, the guest room, furnished with a practical sofa bed, can be used during times of hospitality. Think about what and how you want to use the room and choose the guest sofa as well as the decor of the room.