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Pallet trends in 2018

Wood was the essence of the pallet industry as it is the main raw material that the whole industry started with. Since then, the pallet industry has evolved and changed. The pallet industry has expanded to include many new materials, patterns and designs. It is quite difficult to keep up with the latest trends in the pallet industry to learn what is new and good to suit your taste and vision.

Following trends is essential for both parties. The customer must monitor the small changes in trends as this can result in a larger volume of wood, and the supplier, on the other hand, must monitor the changes in trends in order to focus on the needs of the market and maximize its profit.

  1. Plastic block pallets

Plastic pallets mark the future of the pallet industry as they have much better properties than wooden or metal pallets. Plastic pallets are easier to clean, cheaper and lighter than most of the other materials used in the industry to make pallets.

As more technology emerged in the manufacture of plastic pallets, the dominance of wood receded a step. The Block pallets have proven themselves over stringer plastics for its many good properties, such as easy maintenance and easy maintenance and cleaning.

  1. Epoxy floor pallets

Pallet wood-floor-the-art-pallet-floor-1 Pallet trends in 2018

Epoxy has become a game changer as it can be used as a top coat on many types of floor pallets. It gave wood an advantage over other materials, but before you begin epoxy coating wood, you may need to make sure it is ready and prepared to accept the epoxy. The best way to get or coat your floors with epoxy is to hire one Contractor for epoxy floors So you can be sure that the job will be done flawlessly.

Here are some benefits of epoxy sealing:

  • Gives the concrete shine and colors it: The different epoxy colors give the concrete a beautiful and colorful look, from individual full-tone colors to a swirl of many colors with a shiny finishing touch.
  • Easy to clean: Cleaning concrete or wood is a strenuous process. However, with epoxy floors, all you need to do is use water to clean most surface stains.
  • Prevents water from draining into the materials: Most materials can be easily damaged by spilled water if left long enough. Epoxy forms a liquid-impermeable layer to prevent liquids from leaking into the floor material.
  1. Massive deck pallets

These pallets differ from most other pallets in one aspect. The surface is a solid, large wooden plate with no space between the woods. It can withstand the same pressure while looking aesthetically stronger.

Not only does it look pretty, but it is also very convenient for moving, cleaning and storage. Storing small items is an easy task because the items don’t have cracks to slip through. Solid cover pallets may not be so new to the game, but they are timeless and trendy.

Why use pallet floors?

The pallet is the basic skill of any unit load structure, the pallet provides simpler handling and storage skills. Using pallet floors seems like a good choice if you choose the right and best option for your needs.

It can be confusing at first to know which pallet option is best for you. However, after doing some research, you should be able to understand which pallet is best for the environment in which you plan to install the flooring.