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Three great tips for decorating your very small home

Three great tips for decorating your very small home

Tiny houses have been popping up in the United States since 1999. This is all the more true as the movement really got going after the outbreak of the real estate crisis in 2008 and 2009. People began to see a way of life that didn’t involve a big mortgage and dealt with banks that didn’t keep their customers’ interests in mind.

Not only that, the early tiny houses were mobile too; The entire house was built on trailers that could be hitched up and moved anywhere the owner could imagine. While tiny homes are still built to be mobile, many owners have chosen to make their homes stationary and build them on land.

Regardless of where you chose your small home, you’ve made a decision to sacrifice space and materialistic possessions for financial freedom and a better lifestyle. This doesn’t mean you have to completely sacrifice style.

There is a misconception that tiny houses are just a collection of wood and other materials and that the insides reflect that jumbled but imprecise assumption. Tiny houses can look just as beautiful from the inside as any large house. When decorating your small home, consider the following options.

Make it look bigger

luketinaorlando-tinyhouse-2000x1352-1 Three great tips for decorating your very small house

There are a few tricks you can use to make your small home appear bigger than it actually is. The first option would be the color that you paint your house with. White wines with a good accent color for flavor can better reflect the light entering your home. This fooled the eye into seeing more space than is really there.

Dark tones create a closed feeling, maybe even make you claustrophobic. Avoid them in exchange for lighter shades if you want some color on your walls. steamed varieties work best.

Another trick could be to use wallpaper on the ceiling. You can paint the ceiling if you want, but wallpapers usually have designs that can grab a person’s attention. By bringing your attention upwards, the illusion of elevated height is created. This gives the house a spacious feel.

Too small for a small home

Tiny homes are known for their staggering amounts of multipurpose furniture. Part of it also serves as a storage place for items such as books, memorabilia and electronics. Items that are usually found on shelves or entertainment centers in standard homes. But there’s nothing that says you can’t add style to your tiny home with a few decorations.

When choosing works of art or statues for your small house, don’t choose tiny pieces. Using smaller decorative items actually gives the room a cluttered feel. Pieces larger than a cantaloupe and tastefully positioned can add to the ambience of your beautiful interior.

If you have a wall that is largely not a window or is reserved for a multipurpose function, consider filling it with a mirror. Mirrors with an elegant embellishment can be more than just an appealing work of art for your home. They can reinforce the illusion that your small home might not be as small as mentioned earlier.

Also add some living details. Green makes you feel As if you are connecting more with nature and one of the intentions of a tiny home is to cut down your lifestyle to a more natural one. Throw in a few potted plants or wrap some grapevines along the interior trim of your home. However, be careful with the size of your pots and the height of your plants. Too small of either can give this expression of disorder; A plant that is too wide takes up more of the limited space in the house.

Don’t forget the bedroom

Courtesy_new-frontier-tiny-Homes Three great tips for decorating your very small home

With only 120 to 150 square feet of living space, designers and homeowners had to think creatively to fit the necessities into a 500 square foot structure. This is why most tiny homes have the master bed in a loft above the living area. Just because it’s hidden doesn’t mean you should feel like you can’t decorate your private loft.

In fact, you should probably be decorating it! Even if the master loft is above normal height, it will most likely be seen by you and any guests you have (tiny houses mean no end to game nights and barbecues). Give it a flair that you want to see every day and that you don’t mind when others see it. Paint the walls and ceiling of the loft a vibrant, beautiful color High end duvet to your bed and show off your master loft instead of being ashamed of it.

As you can see, there is no need to sacrifice your style when buying a tiny house. Every inch of space can serve to enhance your interior design theme. There are techniques you can use to make your home appear bigger and ways to make your home as attractive as larger houses.