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Family room furniture, layout, ideas, pictures

Family room furniture, layout, ideas, pictures

You have just signed the paperwork for your brand new home and can’t wait to start decorating! You know what the bedrooms will look like, the views from the windows, the kitchen facilities and you are excited to start your new family room. You searched magazines for furniture, layouts, ideas, and pictures for family rooms.

Should you be feeling more modern? Would you like to keep things cozy with a touch of southern tradition? The good news is the choice is yours! It is your place. Now let’s work on the ideas for your new layout. As you already know, there will be wonderful times to share with friends and relatives in your new room.

Let’s make it a place of community, tell stories, read and meet the great people you care about. Start by choosing the furniture. The colors and fabrics are entirely up to you. Would you like to go with leather, would you like a cut or a combination of couch and love seat?

You can search for a carpet centerpiece online and put a glass top coffee table on top for you and your guests to have refreshments, books, artwork, or just sit back and throw those tired feet up when you get home from work. That’s the beauty of having your own space. You can do whatever you want with it! I was at a colleague’s house last weekend for a meeting and they had a great family room that we spent most of the time in.

What really blew me away wasn’t what was in the room, but outside the family room window was a custom-made wild bird feeder that her husband had made. It was literally covered in birds! All of us guests were amazed at the tranquility that we only got by watching Mother Nature.

There was no television. It wasn’t even necessary. We had the best film we could see live in front of us, right outside the window. I actually asked her husband to turn my wife and me into a feeder as well, and I look forward to adding it to our exterior view from our own family room.

So when you gather your thoughts and ideas, you just know the possibilities are endless! I have no doubt that your new family room will leave you with memories that are sure to last a lifetime. Always remember to have fun! And have fun decorating!

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