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Modern villa near Moscow Designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow Designed by SL * Project

There is a modern villa near Moscow, Russia that takes in the natural light, enhances it with windows in the right places, and uses the theme throughout the house.

Architectural firm SL * Project designed this modern house to use the light from outside to save a person’s energy while still giving it a stylish appearance.

This modern villa has great outside views and a rounded side of the house overlooking a lovely garden. It also includes the office which gives the owner a complete outside view as a great break from work that needs to be done. When you enter the house, you are greeted with high ceilings and wall-to-wall windows.

Especially in the dining area, which also includes the windows in the ceiling for a full view of the outside from top to bottom.

The theme throughout the place is openness and it is shown with the white floors, walls and furniture. The rails and walls that make up the balcony in the house are made of glass, so that one person has an unobstructed view of the house from the ground floor. The bedrooms change the style a bit with shades of brown separating each room.

And the bathroom stands alone with a large bathtub in the middle of the room, surrounded by soft brown tones. This gives a feeling of relaxation and comfort from the bath to the nightly climb to bed.

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-1 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-2 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-3 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-4 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow-Designed-by-SL-Project-5 Modern villa near Moscow Designed By SL * project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-6 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-7 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-8 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-9 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-10 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-11 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-12 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-13 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-14 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-15 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-16 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-17 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-18 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-19 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-20 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-21 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-22 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-23 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-24 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-25 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project

Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL-Project-26 Modern villa near Moscow, designed by SL * Project