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Mixing furniture styles for a unique look

Mixing furniture styles for a unique look

Interior architecture in its current form allows literally anything. Mixing furniture styles in a single room in peaceful coexistence is entirely possible or even desirable for a fresher, unique look.

You no longer have to worry about whether the bedroom will match the new vanity because the mix and match style is retained.

Its popularity could just as well be tied to the idea of ​​freedom and openness and the ability to intellectualize the space enough to suit your personality.

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However, rules exist because not everyone knows what to do with freedom when given it.

We have already confirmed that matching the furniture with your decor is no longer a priority. However, choosing the appropriate pieces still requires thought and introspection.

For this reason, we invite you to read our tips on how to combine furniture correctly:

Choose your topic

Mixing Furniture Styles for a Unique Look1 Mixing furniture styles for a unique lookImage source: Zack | de Vito architecture + construction

We’re going to say at least a couple of times how mixing furniture allows you to bring home any piece you like, but that’s only partially true.

Even if the parts are completely different from each other, there must be some common element that visually connects them. The ideal is a good topic, for example modern scenarios or mid-century scenarios.

Generalized topics are also good options, e.g. B. using only neutral colors or decorating with strong and dramatic contrasts. Whatever you choose, make sure you have a suitable plan in place to execute it before you start shopping.

Reuse the parts you have

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The idea of ​​using furniture differently sounds entertaining and more or less gives you an idea of ​​how great it can be to mix things up.

It may even mean moving a box of drawers from the bedroom to the kitchen: this will still make the place look fresh and new.

Don’t forget that adding accessories and decorative details can make furniture look completely different. So hand out some candles here and there. Needless to say, this is the cheapest way to reorganize your home and make it feel very different than before.

Connect with colors

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The colors of your cute mix-and-match mess should at least be similar, so limit the palette to no more than two neutral hues.

This palette is the base on which you can add accent colors to make furniture pieces look beautiful together, and will help you keep your balance without drowning in a sea of ​​disconnected color.

Fabrics and textures can also complement the idea as long as they are similar to each other.

Scaling means the world to your mix-and-match strategy

Make sure that the scale of your entire decor stays in the same range. It may sound like an interesting idea, but if you put overcrowded and huge chairs next to a carved love seat that you inherited from your grandmother, it doesn’t look cute anyway.

Embrace contrasts

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They may be scary, but they are also your greatest asset for adding extra tension to your ambience. Be bold and mix strong patterns with simple areas, light colors with dark ones, or even metal with wood. The mood will be just lovely!

In addition, contrast is an invaluable means of setting priorities and letting your favorite piece dominate the room without putting it in the middle.

Modern rooms, for example, could benefit from rustic armchairs as focal points. Give it a try and you will see that attention is immediately drawn to the chair, which would never happen in a completely rustic country style room.

to form

Keep the shapes similar even if the style is different as shapes have the final say on what fits and what doesn’t. Let’s give an example: only buy chairs with rounded arms or low backs.

Use patterns

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Patterns are both interesting and very powerful when it comes to connecting different pieces together. This is precisely why you should not abuse their power and exaggerate with designs that are too different or too strong.

For example, large-format patterns can make a room feel cluttered and busy, even if there isn’t too much furniture.

Create balance

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When combining multiple styles in one room, the most important task is not to get things out of hand. You should strike a balance between all of the items and accessories that you have brought with you. Otherwise, you risk a completely disjointed space.

Balancing is easiest with neutral colors as they unite places and give them some air to breathe. Therefore, they should occupy critical positions in the room (the largest wall or the largest piece of furniture), as this also offers space for eye-catching solutions.

Find a companion for each piece

Don’t leave any of the elements alone and give them at least one “friend” who is the same color, finish or style. Mix-and-match solutions cannot tolerate lonely parts, which is why you need at least two similar objects.

Make use of textures

Balance is far more interesting when used less visibly, which would mean deviating from sizes, colors and shapes and combining elements with smooth textures.

Texture is sadly an overlooked aspect in design, especially considering the tactility it can offer any style and decor.

Not all woods look good together

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With the exception of color, age and duration, woods can be distinguished by their so-called formality. For example, classic oak, mahogany, and cherry are considered the most formal and sophisticated woods, which is why they look amazing in a single room.

On the flip side, there is bamboo, pine, and maple that are almost entirely informal, and while they go perfectly with each other, avoid mixing them with the formal family.

Color is also an important moment in matching furniture, so stick to a single one from the wood classification. Translated into simpler terms, you should use brown, gray, yellow, or red wood, or mix no more than two of these colors.

Accents all around

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The accents should be small but impressive enough to break the monotony and add a sense of freshness and excitement to the room.

You can choose anything you want: a unique lamp, bright pillow, metal mirror frame, etc. Still, resist the temptation to overdo your accessories as you can turn the room into a distracting place that has no atmosphere.

Keep the furniture legs similar or hide them completely

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Legs can be a serious problem when bringing multiple pieces of furniture together, and they can clutter even the most empty space.

So try to use pieces with similar or completely hidden legs, or cover them so that they’re not visible (bypassing the sofa is a good start).

Adjust the moods

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Think about the purpose of the room you are decorating and choose the appropriate moods for it. If it’s the bedroom you’re going to relax in after work, stuffy, heavy, and elegant pieces just won’t do it for you.

Instead, keep the materials soft and the linings simple, even if the parts are different.

Finish it off with cute details

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The home accessory will play the same role as in fashion: it will complete the look. You should also look for small and cute items, such as picture frames, vases, lamps or other personal elements that can enrich your room.

The crucial moment, however, is to place them appropriately, as the placement is exactly what separates interesting places from exaggerated.

There are plenty of other items that you could use as finishing touches. A good idea would be to add a soft rug or mix up the colors of your curtains for a chic and eye-catching look.

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You will be surprised how many small details can change places, provided you’ve combined them in a balanced visual context.

After all, the mix and match strategy is key to making your home more like your personality, which automatically indicates that you will be happy to stick with it.

The second big advantage of this strategy is that it strengthens your creativity and your willingness to experiment so that you can make any of your ideas a reality.

Still, pay attention to details and the finishing touches as they wither or destroy the cohesive image of your home.