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How to maintain a swimming pool in summer

How to maintain a swimming pool in summer

Now that summer is here with us, you need to learn how to maintain your swimming pool. As you prepare for family gatherings and parties, you need to know the type of maintenance your pool will need. Here are some maintenance tasks to help keep your pool in tip-top shape for the summer:


To limit the amount of chemicals that you need to add to your pool, do this Use a vacuum At least once a week. Use it to go across the surface of the pool, then overlap certain areas to make sure you don’t miss any spots. Make sure you check and clean the vacuum filter regularly to remove any residue.

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With a vacuum cleaner, it should take you around 30 minutes to clean your pool. If you have a wide pool, you may need to vacuum one side before switching to the other. For hard debris and algae, use a chemical pool cleaner and nylon brush.

Fly over the rubble

If you have bushes and trees near your pool, there is a high chance that your pool will get dirty quickly. You’ll need to use a leaf skimmer to clean up these debris before people jump into the water. Regular use of a skimmer will increase the water circulation in your pool.

Maintain the PH level

To avoid injury and the destruction of clothing, you should keep the pH levels in your pool the same. You should use a PH scale to measure the acidity of water. The ideal pH of the pool water should be between 7.2 and 7.8. Make sure you have a test kit with test strips so you can measure your own water.

pool-ph How to maintain a swimming pool in summer

If your pool water is above or below the safe area, you will need to add some chemicals to fix it. You can use soda to increase the area to 7.2 and salt ash to decrease it to 7.8. If you do not have any of these chemicals, you should seek help from professionals who have experience working with chemicals.

Clean the pool filter

There are three types of pool filters: diatomite, sand, or cartridges. The maintenance you do will depend on the type of filter you have. However, make sure to clean it regularly. If you don’t clean your filter regularly, it won’t trap debris and your pool will look dirty.

In addition, the water flow changes and this is signaled by an increase in the flow meter and manometer. When cleaning the filter, you must:

– Remove the cartridge and hose it down

– Turn the valve for backwashing

– Consider replacing your sand filter with a cartridge or diatomaceous earth filter as it depends on storm drainage.

– Empty the kieselguhr filter bag

Find and fix leaks

At the beginning of summer you should Check your pool for leaks and fix them if you find any. To check for leaks, you should use the bucket test procedure. First you need to make sure the pool water is at its normal level, then use a bucket to check for leaks. At this point you need to call in the pool experts.

schwimmbad-designs-0617-1521461783 How to maintain a swimming pool in summer

The tips above will help you look after your pool during the summer. If you’ve always wanted a pool but haven’t got one, then turn to a professional pool service. Make sure you do Find out how long it takes to install a pool so that you can take your time.