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Lighting ideas for the kitchen

Lighting ideas for the kitchen

The kitchen is often understood as the Central space in an apartment. Here, the social life and it is all cooked together, dined and discussed. A cosy and well through the creation of thought, you should place a lot of value to be able to have a nice time spend in the kitchen. Practical storage facilities, a large work surface with the right equipment, comfortable Seating and the appropriate lighting is the essence of the kitchen furniture.

Islands of light create

Today, unfortunately, is still often used classical lighting in the kitchen is light, the Central ceiling. To bring, in itself, a beautiful opportunity to make something light in the kitchen. However, the Central ceiling light is not sufficient to cover all the major points in the kitchen with enough light supply.

Multiple light sources can help to conjure up enough light in the kitchen. The so-called light Islands, consist of several different lamps with a wide range of light. A ceiling light over the dining table combined with small Spots over the worktop and small LEDs on the hanging closet and in the drawers of a beautiful Arrangement. Finally, light will contribute considerably to a beautiful atmosphere in a room, the more lighting ideas for different rooms there are for example. here.

Light sources are used purposefully

The lighting with the Islands of Light can adapt practically to his own needs, and the most important tasks in the kitchen area. You tried in the kitchen culinary from time to time something New, should be illuminated in the space for the cooking or baking book. Just like with everyday tasks such as vegetables or meat cut. LED Spots as provide for a beautiful and uniform illumination.

Pleasant and warm light is not working in Places of advantage, where but relaxed and lived. Warm white light wrapped in a beautiful pendant luminaire made of fabric makes the space Shine, but also creates a subtle and soothing light. Here’s the dining table or the kitchen island with bar stools is the perfect destination.