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Find the right reading lights

Find the right reading lights

Reading lamps are important not only for students but also for those who love to read before going to bed. Finding the right reading lamp is something that most people rarely think about. As long as you have light, you can read. Thus, you will find most people reading using room ceiling lights rather than a desk lamp or a reading lamp. Here are some tips to help you find the right reading light.

Get the right Wattage

Too much light will cause glare while too little will make you tense while reading. It is estimated that people of different ages will need different amounts of light to be able to read. Children can read with as little as 40 watts and the percentage increases by 1% every year. Thus, if you are 25, you need to use light bulbs of about 60 watts. You can use this little clue to determine your reading power needs.

Get the right type of shaded lamp

Most reading lamps or work lighting lamps are available in different shades. When reading is more focused on the desk, with lights that illuminate the task on the desk, your eyes remain focused there and adapt to that light. But when you deviate your eyes from the task and look away at another area of ​​your room, your eyes widen and try to adapt to this new light. Over time, if the contrast between the reading light and the ambient light is too much, your eyes will get tired. It is therefore recommended that you use a transparent shade, as it illuminates the light on your task and spreads the light sideways and upwards to illuminate the ceiling and walls.

Get the right type of light bulb

There are different lamps to use for your reading lamp. You may be tempted to buy a high-power lamp and then use a dimmer to reduce the amount of light. This is a bit tricky because the light is mostly yellow and may not be good for reading. Instead, choose the three-way light bulb that has two filaments inside to vary exactly how much light you need to read. There are also halogen and other types of light bulbs but these are not suitable for reading.

Get the right positioning

You may not necessarily have a writing light. There are also table lamps, floor lamps and wall-mounted lamps. Having these placed in the right position; on your side, just behind you and at eye level, is highly recommended. You should also not be able to see the light source when reading.