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How to maximize space in a small kitchen

How to maximize space in a small kitchen

There is nothing worse than a kitchen that isn’t big enough to hold all of your appliances and kitchen utensils.

Often times, people struggle with this and are forced to keep things out of their kitchen anywhere in their home. To help you with this, we’ve rounded up some tips on how to maximize space in a small kitchen.

We’re going to share some ideas with you, like hiding equipment you haven’t used in years and using vertical shelves. Keep reading this article to learn more about maximizing space in your small kitchen.

Use shelves

small-ki How to maximize space in a small kitchen

If you have a small kitchen, the best thing you can do is take advantage of the vertical space. How much space in your kitchen is not used because there are no shelves?

To really maximize the space in your small kitchen, you need to install some shelving around your kitchen. You can put anything you want on these shelves such as: B. appliances or food.

Shelves are very practical and don’t be afraid to stack shelves and give yourself even more space.

Hide devices

There is no space in your kitchen? It may be time to clear out your equipment. Think about the devices that are taking up valuable counter space and how often you use them. When was the last time you used your donut or soup maker?

If you don’t use devices, they don’t have to be on your counter. When you use them, you can take them out of the closet where they are kept. If you don’t think you’ll ever use a device again, it may be time to remove it or donate it to charity.

Round dining table

Another reason why many people don’t have space in their kitchen is their large dining table. Think about how you can maximize space by investing in a round dining table.

These types of tables take up much less space and there is more space around the edges for your family to get in and out of.

There are, of course, a few things that you need to consider when purchasing a round table. You can Visit this website For some buying recommendations to make sure you choose the correct shape and size chart.

Use your window sills

Do you need additional space for your articles? Use your window sills. You will be surprised at how much more space you can free up this way. So it’s definitely worth a try. Make sure your windows are clean and not overcrowded.

You’re probably not using them as a counter space anyway. So putting things on top of it gives yourself more space to chop and prepare other foods.


The next step we have for those trying to maximize space in their small kitchen is to Suppressor. Take a look at your closets and decide what you really need.

minimalist-kitchen-des How to maximize the space in a small kitchen

Do you have a lot of seasoning bottles that are almost ready? Try to come up with a new solution to your closet overcrowding and debug where you can.

You don’t have to have five different plates if there are only four of you in your family. Start debugging and see how much space you can free up.

Use hooks

Our final tip for those looking to maximize their kitchen space is to use hooks. You can use these hooks for anything you want, but they are great for hanging kitchen utensils, tea towels, and much more.

Make sure the hooks are secure before hanging utensils on them. You should avoid hanging sharp knives on hooks, but you can also use a magnetic knife holder that you can hang on the wall. Hooks can be very practical and free up space on your counter and in your drawers.

Final verdict

There are so many different ways you can maximize your kitchen space as long as you are willing to compromise.

You have to consider spending a full day debugging your kitchen and getting rid of things that you never use. You may have some devices that you haven’t used in years and it is time for them.

If you think you might have some future use of these appliances, you can move them elsewhere, but they don’t belong on your counter next to your microwave or toaster. You should also consider getting a round dining table and using your window sills. Take all of our advice on board and you’ll soon have a lot more space in your kitchen.