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Half height cots

Half height cots

A loft bed is the dream of every child: With sturdy, half-high beds you fulfill your child’s wish and offer him a place to sleep in the air, which equally meets the playfulness of small children. So your own little kingdom is accessible via a ladder – the underlying space can also be separated by the same cave by an atmospheric curtain game.

Exciting cots with raised mattress: Half height cots

For example, every child dreams of building their own tree house and playing there. With half-high beds you bring this object of desires into the nursery. Playfully, a loft bed combines the aspects of sleep and play with each other and offers a safe child-friendly environment in which your little sunshine can spend the night safe and sound. A stable ladder ensures comfortable and safe access to the lying surface.

A mini or a midi-high bed?

The half-high beds differentiate between mini and midi high beds. These differ in the height of the bed frame and the resulting height of the bed. Here we recommend that you consider the age of your child as well as the spatial conditions. However, a large number of furniture can also be converted retrospectively with the help of optionally available conversion sets and thus grow together with your child.

More about half-height beds

In addition, elevated cots are a real space saver. Due to the high lying area, there is free space underneath the bed, which you can use in a variety of ways. They are already supplied with a matching game curtain with child-friendly motif imprints. These visually separate the space under the bed from the rest of the room, creating a safe retreat for your baby.

Our wide range of theme beds leaves nothing to be desired – even for your little offspring can be found with us the right bed. So we lead z. B. semi-high beds for small spacemen in a coherent rocket look as well as children’s beds in magical princess design. Even daring little adventures will find it – so we offer beds, which come in addition to the ladder with a climbing wall as an entry and exit option.

After deciding on the perfect elevated cot for your offspring, the choice of complementary accessories is up for grabs. Various extensions allow complete customization of the new bed frame. Modern game tunnels act as a tent-like structure above the lying surface – so your child always feels safe and well protected.