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Find out about the latest trends in kitchen colors

Find out about the latest trends in kitchen colors

When you start planning a kitchen renovation, or even building a new kitchen from scratch, the first thing that designers or consumers think is, “What colors will suit my kitchen for the next ten years?”

Choosing the right kitchen colors for yourself can be quite an odyssey: what is the right shade, the right mix, how is the light maximized, and even, will it look good and keep value when I sell my house?

Classic kitchen colors

A gray kitchen worktop has long been one of the most sought-after “must-haves” when it comes to creating a new look for this focal point of the home.

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This neutral, previously underrated color makes a kitchen look fresh and inviting when paired with a contrast of brightly colored cabinets and backsplash. The combination of the kitchen colors gray with rich green or ocean blue can create an attractive, modern look.

Despite gray’s recent success, white still remains the front runner in consumer kitchen design ideas. How can you really go wrong with white? Fresh, bright, and reflective light that combines white with any of the gray or anthracite colors mentioned above, or even a luxurious wood finish, can really make any kitchen design stand out.

Mix up your kitchen colors

A very contemporary trend for 2018 is to mix your kitchen colors. It is very fashionable to match the color of a kitchen countertop and some cabinets, or even paint the backsplash to match the countertop. Perhaps even using the same materials, especially a perfect wood structure, can really bring a kitchen together.

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Even with a little research, you’d soon find that blue, unlike gray, green, and even yellow, is a huge hit with UK consumers in 2018 Kitchen colors seem to go so well with a natural wood tone, especially on kitchen countertops. This inviting ensemble of blue with pastoral becomes the central theme of many kitchen design ideas.

Neutral pastel colors are not for everyone. For a more daring approach, opt for earth tones to add a natural, rustic warmth to the kitchen countertop and its surroundings regardless of the space. Have an inviting olive green or sea blue that reflects the ocean, silver blue that represents the sky, or even a tan color palette to give homage to a woody, autumnal feel. All of these kitchen colors make this room warm and inviting.

It’s worth it

Chartreuse-White-Kitchen-Color-Scheme Find out about the latest trends in kitchen colors

Hopefully these ideas can inspire you to make the necessary effort in choosing kitchen colors and how important they can be. Colors are the first thing you come across in a room. Kitchen countertop and backsplash need to be complemented by a color scheme that brings them out.