Home / Beds / Equip your double bed ergonomic and high quality: Latex mattresses in 160×200 cm

Equip your double bed ergonomic and high quality: Latex mattresses in 160×200 cm

Equip your double bed ergonomic and high quality: Latex mattresses in 160×200 cm

With latex mattresses in 160×200 cm you can equip your narrow double bed ergonomically high quality. The wide assortment offers models that meet all sleeping positions. Thanks to the high point elasticity in combination with the pressure relieving nature, latex mattresses offer optimal sleeping comfort that meets even the highest demands.

For bedsteads in 160×200 cm one speaks of a transitional size. The wide lying area is suitable for both individuals who like to free all fours at night as well as for partners who value the fact that the other is in the immediate vicinity. A continuous mattress offers the advantage here that no disturbing cavity between the mattresses is created and you can enjoy the full comfortable support effect of the sleeping pad even with extensive cuddling in the mattress center.

Is a latex mattress recommended for everyone?

latex mattresses in 160×200 cm are suitable for all body types as well as for all sleeping positions. Whether back, side or belly sleepers – the point-elastic material adapts its shape always fast and exactly to the respective load. The good pressure relief in combination with the rather soft nature of the core makes this type of mattress the ideal choice for side sleepers. Shoulder and pelvis are perfectly relieved and can sink far into the mattress.

Further information about latex mattresses in 160×200 cm

To make the most of your sleeping space, it’s important to complete it with a quality mattress. With latex mattresses in 160×200 cm you are guaranteed to be right. These comfortable sleeping pads made of natural rubber or synthetic latex convince with a pleasant sinking behavior in all sleeping situations. Since latex mattresses in this size have a very high weight, these models usually consist of two cores, which are wrapped in a common cover. This makes the transport as well as the handling when turning and turning much easier – comfort that makes itself felt in everyday life.