Home / Lighting / Diy bright light flush wall lamp

Diy bright light flush wall lamp

Diy bright light flush wall lamp

Wall lamp is an effective working light in lighting fixtures. They can be easily adapted to any design style, both modern and traditional. Here we have provided DIY for flush wall scones using candles. Flush wall lamps can be used in bathrooms, corridors or near seats if they are close to the wall. Using scented candles instead of simple ones will add aura around along with diffused light coming from the light bulbs. Flushed wall scones look best when placed in pairs or in series such as entrances or corridors.

  • Step 1 –
  • Materials needed to make this lamp –

  • Step 2 –
  • – Hand saw (not shown)

  • Step 3 –
  • – Recycled wood

    – Nails with a small nail head

    – 1 ′ malleable wire and wire cutter

    – Gold spray paint

    – 4 inches

    – Wood glue

    – 2 ′ gold chain

    – Scotch Blue Painters Tape