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Decor and interior design for guys

Decor and interior design for guys

Perhaps the greatest challenge a homeowner can take on when it comes to interior design is maintaining both their uniqueness and personality. When it comes to interiors for men, some of the stronger aspects of it can include:

  • Saturated colors
  • Strong geometric shapes
  • Lack of any ornate details

However, these things can apply to either sex, not just men alone. In fact, any homeowner who is a fan of rustic decor, or decor that feels more modern and cleaner, these types of details definitely apply to you.

It was believed that a special decor for men would be better suited for settings like the traditional “bachelor pad”. However, the opposite is true. These types of detail can be very appealing to both sexes and can even be used in a larger family home setting. The biggest problem with this, however, is determining how exactly these types of details can be incorporated into an interior design without making them appear too drastic or too simplistic.

Here are some useful tips you can follow to incorporate more specific aspects of men’s interior design into your own home.

Choose the right color palette

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The first and foremost step is to make sure you choose the correct color palette. The base tones that are included in palettes for this particular type of design are inherently darker and are as follows:

  • Deep blue
  • purple
  • black
  • brown

Remember that each color included in the color spectrum has its own darker incarnations. These are colors that you should experiment with by combining dark colors with walls and floors that are more neutral in color. This will help successfully balance pieces of furniture and other decorations with dark color.

Strong geometry

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Horizontal and vertical lines are the strongest details that can help make a room stand out in terms of details that are more “masculine” or “masculine”. The most common interior decorating style used in such cases is the modern minimalist style, which is very much preferred by those who prefer a look that includes lines of sight and open spaces. In terms of strong geometry, this works best when you can instantly spot it in an interior space. Strong geometry is also very effective and can grab a person’s attention instantly when a space in which it is being used is dissolved.

Natural materials

Some of the most common natural materials used in decor for men are the following:

  • Brick
  • Wood
  • Any kind of organic material

These specific things are meant to symbolize nature as well as elements of a rustic nature. These types of masculine style finishes are typically used in exposed walls, premium furniture materials, and floors. Another thing to consider is the use of aspects like exposed ceilings and aged surfaces. In addition, pieces of furniture that are inherently less refined, as well as strong lines, are strong masculine traits that should be taken into account. Other ways to essentially bring nature inside are accents of natural stone and rustic rock.

Leather furniture

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The vast majority of men love leather, and this material can be incorporated into men’s decor as well. Especially in the form of leather armchairs and sofas that have no sophisticated designs or other decorative elements. The most important thing is that the simpler everything is, the better everything will look.

Add a rug

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A great way to add a level of personality and character to any interior space is to add a rug of your choice. The best part is that carpets take up virtually no extra space. However, you should make sure that the carpets can be complemented by high quality wooden floors. At the same time, you should avoid combinations of carpets and carpets.


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Even if you take the path of minimalism, this does not mean that the room that is being worked on has to be given a rather “cold” feeling. Instead, take a “less is more” approach to make the architecture and foundation warm and cozy without the need for a lot of additional accessories. The best area for this is an area that has large windows and lots of exposed wood.


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Wall decoration in such rooms should be kept as simple as possible. Accessories such as framed photos and graphics are acceptable, but only as long as the frames themselves do not contain a lot of detail.


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In your kitchen, you can keep all of your counters free of clutter by putting some appliances like toasters away and only bringing them out when you really need them. It may annoy you when you have to dig them up, but it all ends up being well worth it in terms of design.

Pull the plug out of the socket in your bedroom

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Instead of leaving items like a TV or other electronic device plugged into your bedroom wall outlet all the time, consider setting up an armchair or two that can be used for activities like reading. This is something that essentially eliminates the chances of staring at a multitude of cables when you wake up in the morning.

Let the light shine in

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Interior design for men can usually make the surroundings feel rather dark and gloomy due to the lack of light entering the room. It is important to let as much light into an interior space as possible to give the room a healthier glow. In addition, natural light is the best way to showcase various accessories that you have placed in a particular room. When the evening is over, it is best to use plenty of artificial light as well to avoid a more “cavernous” feeling in the room.


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Many people think that their dining tables need to be adorned with an ornate centerpiece or fancy tableware. However, for a fresher and more straightforward look, you shouldn’t have all of these items on your table. This will no doubt help to keep things as straightforward as possible.


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Not all tables need to be provided with lamps. Instead, consider using pendant lights, which are more simple in nature than anything that looks too extravagant or over the top.


Don’t let accessories like statues and plants overflow your entrance area. Instead, let your entryway speak for itself even though it has no embellishment in it, especially if you pay special attention to aspects like your lawn and the house itself.


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If you’ve considered remodeling your bathroom, you’ll save money right away. In the end, you’ll want to make sure that quality fixtures are installed to make the bathroom feel more like a spa. Another step that will help with this is to keep items like towels, toothbrushes, and other normal bathroom items hidden.


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While details of men’s interiors may vary, they only have one form of organization in common. This means that instead of scattering items like pillows or framed photos, everything is laid out geometrically, especially at a 90-degree angle, to do justice to that sense of manliness. In addition, you can group certain items into groups of three, e.g. B. Works of art and other types of collectibles.

By following these useful tips, you can add a sense of manliness to your home, as well as a strong sense of personality and visual interest. As mentioned earlier, these details are more likely to apply to men’s interiors in general. However, they can also be used by both men and women to take advantage of their benefits. If you are in a relationship and live together, compromise and agree on what to include in a room based on each person’s specific preferences. In the end, thanks to these design aspects, your home will become a true place of comfort.