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Loft beds with storage box and storage space

Loft beds with storage box and storage space

If there is a lack of space in the children’s room, it makes sense to use the room height. This is best done with high and bunk beds, because they combine functional storage space and cozy sleeping quarters. Whether it’s a roomy pull-out bed box or a work area to do the homework – the space under the bed can be used in a variety of ways. Our selection of bunk beds with storage box and storage space meets with models of high-quality solid wood and affordable beds in different colors certainly your taste.

Made for clever kids: Loft beds with storage box and storage space

Many modern apartments are cut so that the nursery is rather small. Nevertheless, the offspring needs plenty of space for romping, learning, sleeping and playing. Then special loft beds with storage box and storage space are ideal. Such a construct fits into every nursery and gives your child the freedom of development it needs.

I should know that about loft beds

These are child-friendly and complex pieces of furniture designed for both girls and boys. As a rule, the sleeping area is slightly raised and can be reached via a ladder. On the lower level there is enough room for another mattress, a play or work area or for bunk beds under the low lying surface for a wind-up bed box. Toys, books, clothing or knickknacks find their place in this large drawer.

Safety in the nursery is the alpha and omega – even with older children. Therefore, all bunk beds have a fall protection, so that your child can safely sleep and play in it.