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Barstool – Pictures & Ideas

Barstool – Pictures & Ideas

Bar stools are not just bar stools: Gone are the days when the bar stool could only be found in wicked bars and cool single kitchens. Today, a counter is an integral part of many modern kitchens. Especially in open-plan kitchens, it serves as an optical room divider and invites you for a drink or a quick snack. And what better than a seat for a bar counter, as a bar stool? A bar stool sets a stylistic accent next to the counter. Due to the variety of designs, the right stool is available for every style of living – from classic glossy black to futuristic shapes and bright colors. Depending on the taste, the stool can be made from stainless steel, aluminum, plastic or wood. Even with the material of the seat and back the bar stool fan knows no bounds. Whether easy-care artificial leather, different colored fabrics or even the raw wood, depends on your own preferences.

If the bar stool is to be used as a substitute for a chair, a backrest is recommended to make sitting more comfortable – ergonomic forms of the seat also contribute to greater comfort. Important is the height of the barstool on which the footrest is located. If it does not fit your own height, sitting on the stool can be very uncomfortable. It is therefore recommended to first test the stool for comfort before buying it. Bar stools that are adjustable in height and thus adapt to the size of the user are particularly practical and versatile.